Principles of
Physical Geography Homepage
Course Materials |
Course Assignments | Course Readings |
Course Syllabus | Exam Reviews | Allen, Tracy 2001 Physiographic and Human Responses to Flooding in the Lower Meghna River of Bangladesh |
Short Paper Writing Guidelines |
Most of the reading for this course come from your textbook: Physical Geography of the Global Environment |
Physical Geography Dendrochronology Lab Pictures | Lab: How to use the Dichotomous Key: Example - Oneonta New York | Allen, Tracy. 2008. Land Between Waters: Landscape Changes of the Eastern Shore |
Assessing Password Protected Files
To access password protected files
on this site follow these directions: Help: The username and password are the same username and password that you use to logon to your SUNY Oneonta email account.
Directions on How to Create a Climograph
Click this link for Milne Library Electronic Reserves Some of the readings for this class will be posted to Milne Library Electronic Reserve. The articles are very easy to access and download. You will need a password to access the site. The password was supplied to you in class. By clicking the link below, you will be taken directly to the Electronic Reserves Homepage. Click Electronic Reserves, then click Electronic Reserves and Reserves Pages, then click Course Reserves Pages by Instructor, then select Instructor Allen out of the dropdown list, then click on your course name. Type the password and you will see the list of readings. Select the appropriate reading as you where instructed on the syllabus and by your professor. |
Alpine Glacial Erosional Processes and Landscape Features | ||