CSCI 250 Project #3

Spline Signature

Date Due: 21 March 2014

In this assignment, you are to write a program that generates your signature in an OpenGL window.  You can use Hermite or Bezier curves, and should generate your signature using a set of connected curve segments.  There are several ways you might want to go about getting the control points or tangents for your curves.  You might try writing your signature on a piece of graph paper and using it to get coordinate values.  If you are feeling more ambitious, you might want to build an interactive signature editor that allows you to generate your signature on the fly.  You might even write a program that captures your signature as you write it using the mouse, and automatically generates a set of curves to replicate it.  In any case, your program should be able to read a set of control points from a file and use those to draw your signature.  Extra credit will be awarded for anything beyond this (such as signature editors, etc).


You may either draw your signature using a set of small line segments to approximate your curves, or you may investigate the OpenGL functions that handle Bezier curves.  Be sure to follow good coding practices and include a readme with your turnin, describing the family of curves you chose, the method you used to generate your control points, and any special features of the program(s) you are turning in.