Being a dog is hard work... This is MY couch... Maybe if I sit here and look cute they won't notice the damage...
Am I looking in a mirror? Let's see...what was the SPCA email address? Quick! Clear screen before Lucy sees it!
Google is a dog's best friend! Hey, if it doesn't work, SHE broke it--not me! Not that key, Lucy...that formats the hard drive!
No wonder it leaked! Just luck it didn't flood the house! A final farewell to the old one...
The replacement, hard at work... Yea! We won't get parboiled in our crates!
Wait...does this mean we have to take baths now?
Inspecting the job...
A hazard of dog walking... What a normal ankle should look like... We're sorry...honest!
Worn out after a visit to SUCO.... Maybe Snoopy won't eat me for lunch if I hide here... I was little once too...why does Lucy get all the attention?