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Formerly CHEM 312.

                                                                                                                                                Fall, 2011



            Paul J. Bischoff

            Office: HUEC 224

            Phone: 436-2613


Class Meets Monday and Wednesday 9-9:50


Required Texts:


1. New York-Chemistry Text Book, Teachers Edition and Laboratory Manual. Prentice Hall Living Environment Chemistry Books and Teacher Curriculum Materials


2. The National Science Education Standards: Available on-line @


3. New York State Living Environment Core Curriculum: Available on-line:


4. Periodic Table


5. Reference Tables


6. Chemical Storage







Field and laboratory studies of the materials, specific techniques and safety aspects appropriate in the secondary chemistry classroom-laboratory.




The goal of this course, to help prepare pre-service Adolescence Chemistry Education candidates for the world of classroom teaching, reflects the expectations of the National Science Education Standards and the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology. Recognizing the national need for qualified science teachers and the current reform initiatives in secondary science education, this course will emphasize the development of participants’ skills in developing, facilitating and evaluating both classroom curricula and laboratory activities appropriate for secondary school chemistry teaching. Major emphasis will focus on the candidates ability to teach through inquiry. Applications on assessment strategies and teaching methodologies will also be integral parts of the course. The NSTA performance Standards Addressed by this course are identified below.

*Rubrics and other tools for assessing candidates performance on each of these NSTA Standards is attached at the end of this syllabus.


Standard 1 Content


1.a.  Know and understand the major concepts and principles of the teaching discipline(s) as defined by state and national standards of the science education community.

1.b.  Know and understand major concepts and principles unifying science disciplines.

Standard 2 Nature of Science


2.a.  Know and understand the philosophical nature of science and the conventions of scientific explanation.

2.b.  Engage K-12 students effectively in studies of the nature of science and conventions of scientific explanation.

Standard 3 Inquiry

3.a.  Know and understand scientific inquiry and its relationship to the development of scientific knowledge.

3.b.  Engage K-12 students effectively in scientific inquiry appropriate for their grade level and abilities.

Standard 4 Context of Science

4.a.  Know and understand the relationship of science to other human values and endeavors.

Standard 5 Skills of Teaching

5.a.  Use diverse and effective actions, strategies and methodologies to teach science.

5.d.  Use advanced technology to teach K-12 students science.

Standard 6 Curriculum

6.a.  Develop coherent, meaningful goals, plans, and materials and find resources.

6.b.  Relate plans and resources to professionally-developed state and national standards, including the National Science Education Standards.

6.c.  Plan and develop science curriculum addressing the needs, interests and abilities of all preK-12 students.

Standard 7 Social Context

7.a.  Know and understand the values and needs of the community and their effect on the teaching and learning of science.

7.b.  Use community human and institutional resources to advance the learning of science in the classroom and field.

Standard 8 Assessment


8.a. Align science goals, instruction and outcomes.

8.b.  Know and use a variety of contemporary science assessment strategies to determine preK-12 student needs and levels of learning and  development.

Standard 9 Environment for Learning

9.b.  Manage the activities and materials of science safely in storage areas, labs and field.

9.c.  Keep and use living organisms as in the classroom in a safe, ethical and appropriate manner.

Standard 10 Professional Practice

10.c.  Engage in reflective practices and make continuous efforts to improve in practice.




The course objectives and outcomes of CHEM 312 are framed by the National Science Education Standards, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Standards for Science Teacher Education and are similarly aligned with the SUNY-College Conceptual Framework.

As a result of participation in this course students will be able to:

1. Plan and implement data-based Chemistry activities requiring students to reflect upon their findings, make inferences, and link new ideas to preexisting knowledge. 

2. Know and understand scientific inquiry and its applications to teaching in the life sciences.

3. Plan Living Environment lessons that will effectively engage students in understanding the Nature of Science and the conventions of scientific explanations.

4. Develop lesson plans that deliberately connect the New York State Living Environment Standards to human values and endeavors.

5. Be able to describe the learning outcomes of varying science teaching methodologies including concept mapping, direct instruction, guided discovery, learning cycles, and inquiry teaching.

6. Devise evaluation instruments, including rubrics for laboratory instruction that will reflect an understanding of content as well as test and measure concepts

7. Read, report and apply current research issues in science education.

8.  Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use technology to teach parts of the Living Environment Curriculum.

9. Devise lesson plans that deliberately accommodate interests and abilities of all students.

10. Plan lessons that deliberately help students understand the important contributions that minorities and women have made to science.

11. Select and use various models for teaching about controversial, problematic and value-oriented issues.

12. Critically analyze and adapt existing materials and technology.

13. Articulates long-term and short-term planning strategies that show an understanding of standards, and the connectedness of common themes within the Living Environment Core Curriculum and the NSES.

14. Design a safety plan for facilities, materials, and learners in science classrooms that addresses legal issues of science safety.

15. Report on the ethical considerations of keeping and using animals in science classrooms.

V.     Course Topics


VI.     Instructional Methods and Activities

Instructional methods and activities of this course fall within the following categories. Traditional Experiences: lecture/discussion, demonstrations, and written assignments.

Student demonstrations and or presentations.

Graded Assignments:

1. Discrepant Events: On ten identified Wednesdays you are required to come to class with a "Motivational Discrepant Event". Koballa (2011) describes a discrepant event as "an attention getting, thought-provoking approach to initiate inquiry". A discrepant event puzzles the observer, causing him or her to wonder why the event occurs as it did.  These situations leave the observer at a loss to explain what has taken place. Discrepant events influence equilibration and the self-regulatory process, according to the Piagetian theory of intellectual development. Situations that are contrary to what a person expects cause him or her to wonder what is taking place, resulting in cognitive disequilibrium. With proper guidance, the individual will attempt to figure out the discrepancy and search for a suitable explanation for the situation.  When a person arrives at a plausible explanation for a discrepant event, he or she will establish cognitive equilibrium at a new level.  The individual is now better equipped mentally to approach new situations that cause curiosity and puzzlement (Piaget, 1971).


         An inquiry session initiated with a discrepant event can begin with a demonstration, preceded by directions to focus students’ attention on what they are about to observe.  The discrepant event approach receives support from cognitive psychologists, because of its potential impact on learning.


Specifically-You'll have about 5 minutes. Have typed in advanced with copies for everyone a response to 1-7. 

1. The title of the Discrepant Event.

2. A list of materials needed.

3. Advice on how to set it up.

4. An explanation of the science.

5. Identify where it fits in the curriculum (what content is it most closely associated).

6. Performance Indicator in the N.Y. State Chemistry Curriculum.

7. Where it fits in the bigger picture of science and society. 


Discrepant Events Scored 0-10

10 = Excellent, and no room for improvement


8 = Very good with some minor suggestions for improvement


7 = Approaching acceptable-significant room for improvement


< 6 Needs much improvement


2. Chapter Planning Outlines: On five identified Mondays you are required to submit a "Chapter Planning Outline" starting with Chapter 1. Fill in the Chart:


Chapter Title: Introduction to Chemistry
Lesson Title Behavioral Objective(s) How you will know if they have learned the objective (assessment) Materials/resources needed Narrative Description of the lesson (In this lesson the students will..... N.Y. Performance Indicator This lesson is important because.... 


Chapter Planning Outlines Scored 0-20




16-17 = Very good with some minor suggestions for improvement


14-15 = Approaching acceptable-significant room for improvement


< 13 Needs much improvement




3.  Detailed Chapter Plan-1 Required.


Your task is to plan in detail the lesson plans, laboratory activities and assessments for one chapter or about 1-week (six 45 minute lesson plans).


Two Rubrics are used to guide you in your work and score your chapter plan. Rubric 1 helps you with sequence and general planning. Rubric 2 is Science Education specific. You are required to score “proficient” on all rubric measures.







Rubric 1. Sequence General Planning and Organizational Chart. 100 points.

 Organize and sequence your unit plan in this order. Scoring % and levels of performance are provided.




  1. 0 %    A cover page identifying your name, the unit topic, the intended audience for the unit (e.g., 7th grade Life Science or grade 9 Regents Earth Science) and time frame.





  1. 5%/    Rational for selecting this topic for development into a unit plan: Why did you choose this topic and why is it important that students understand this topic? What special interests do you have in this topic? 


A strong rationale for why it is important that adolescents understand this topic.  Rationale connects the unit to historical and contemporary science issues.

Rationale makes few connections to contemporary and historical science.

Rationale lacks depth regarding the importance of this topic to the lives of adolescents.

  1. 20%/   Describe the Units Major Objectives: Describe in paragraph form the major science concepts, principles, theories, laws interrelationships and “unifying science concepts” taught. For a description of unifying science concepts see the National Science Education Standards available at [].


Clearly and thoroughly defined and described with examples.

Defined and described most of the unit’s objectives.

Defined only some or few of the unit’s objectives.

  1. 15% /  What pedagogical strategies are fundamental to how the unit is taught? For example, does the instruction focus on cooperative learning and social constructivist methods? Is there and emphasis on problem solving, laboratory work, and research into important social and scientific issues that are currently impacting society? Is the unit attentive to the interests of students? In what ways is the unit and content developmentally appropriate?


A well written summary of the major pedagogical thrust of the unit as well as a brief description of each lessons major pedagogical attributes. 

A description of the unit’s major pedagogical thrust with one or two examples.

A weak description of the unit’s major pedagogical thrust lacking any specific examples..

  1. 25% /   Produce a concept map showing the interconnectedness and relationships of the unit’s main ideas. The concept map serves several purposes. It will enable you to more clearly identify the major science concepts of the unit as well as the underlying sub-concepts and ideas. The concept map will enable you do demonstrate your understanding of the interrelationships of the science taught. The concept map will enable you to more clearly envision the cognitive structure or schemata that you are going to help your students construct. In other words, the concept map will help you visualize what the “mind of a knower” looks like and ultimately, help you in assessing understanding.


Computer generated concept map is hierarchical (organized with distinct levels). Contains 15 to 20 sub-concepts and linkages are clear and thoughtful.

Concept map is hierarchical and contains most of the main ideas with connections. 

Concept map is superficial and does not demonstrate depth and interconnectedness of the unit’s ideas.

  1. 15% / Describe the assessment plan. How are you planning on determining the depth and breadth of the science content the students are bringing to the new unit? Are there plans in place for assessing understandings as the unit progresses (formative assessment) and what are you plans for assessing understanding at the conclusion of the unit (summative assessment)?


Description includes plans for assessing students’ understandings before, during and at the end of the unit. Assessments measure content as well as “scientific thinking”. Rubrics and measures (tests, etc.) provided.

Assessment plan focuses on tests and does not measure or encourage growth in scientific conceptual knowledge or scientific thinking. 

Assessment plan is weak or missing.


20 %/ Prepare an Organizational Chart that serves as an overview for the lesson plans contained in the unit.


Lesson Title

Content and N.Y Performance Indicator

National Science Education Standard

Unifying Concepts

Nature of Science Attribute

Inquiry Attributes

Connections to Contemporary Science Issues

Outreach to families and community science involvement

Brief description of the lesson and how it is assessed.















































Detailed lesson plans following the Standard Lesson Plan Format (see below). Label the objectives of the lessons in two ways as appropriate. First, use Bloom’s taxonomy and label the objectives as: Knowledge; Comprehension; Application; Analysis; Synthesis or Evaluation. Second, where appropriate, label each objective as: Nature of Science (NOS), Inquiry or Contemporary Issues.


v     The opening lesson plan should have a particular emphasis on assessment of background knowledge. For example, the lesson plan may include an assessment of students’ ability to create a concept map, make observations and generate scientific questions after observing a stimulus, solve problems related to the topic, or perhaps make a model or diagram illustrating the extent of their background knowledge.

v     The final lesson should focus on summative assessment. It  may include a test, concept map, presentation, or some other way to evaluate understanding.


Sample Lesson Plan Format

(Other formats may be suggested by College Supervisor and/or Cooperating Teacher)


Name: _________________________Subject________________________________


Grade level:____________ Date:_______________



Safety Issues/Concerns:


Objectives (Specific and measurable, related to student learning)



Topics/Content to be covered (Be specific.)



Learners prior knowledge and experiences with content and related lesson activities; learners needs, interests, abilities [include connections to real world] (brief summary statement)


National/New York State Learning Standards/Core Curriculum addressed:



National Science Education Standards addressed:



Materials and equipment needed for lesson activities (Indicate sources.)



Methods of assessment: (informal and formal, formative and summative)



Prior to lesson/beginning of lesson



During lesson



End of lesson



Learning Activities and Organizational patterns (Include time allocations.)

Introductory activities

Developmental activities

Concluding activities

Plans for students with special needs

Alternative activities-emergency fillers



Were the lesson objectives regarding student learning met? How do I know this?

To what degree were they met?

What materials and activities worked well? Why? Not so well? Why?

What changes did I make during the lesson? Why? With what results?

What revisions do I need to make to this lesson? Why?

What changes do I need to make in my next two or three lessons? Why?



Rubric 2- Science Education. Rubric 2 will guide you and evaluate Science Education quality of your unit.



Exemplary 6-8 pts

Proficient 4-5 pts

Emerging <4 pts

Score and comments


Science content

Unit Plan describes an internally consistent unit of study and incorporates the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, interrelationships of science fields and the NSES unifying concepts

Unit Plan describes an internally consistent unit of study and contains a complete list of the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of science fields.

Unit plan lacks a coherent unit of study and/or does not contain a complete list of the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of science fields.


Science Content


Unit plan contains state and National Science Education Standards and resources and activities consistent with the standards that meet the needs and abilities of students.

Unit plan contains National Science Education Standards or state standards, resources and activities.

Unit plan does not contain a complete listing of National Science Education Standards or state standards, resources, and activities.


Science Content

Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is scientifically accurate with scientific explanations for major concepts.

Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is scientifically accurate.

Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is not completely scientifically accurate.



Nature of Science

Lesson plans engage students in NOS elements as a regular part of instruction, including opportunities for students to critically analyze false or doubtful assertions made in the name of science (NOS as defined by NSTA position statement)

Lesson plans include at least two examples of the NOS which may include false or doubtful assertions in science (NOS as defined by NSTA position statement).

Lesson plans do not explicitly teach the NOS including false or doubtful assertions in science.


Dev. Appropriate

Lesson plans are developed for the appropriate target grade level. Lesson plans demonstrate knowledge of how adolescents learn science and what students are able to do, which includes alternative ideas that learners may have.

Lesson plans have some evidence, but clear knowledge of how students learn science is not provided.

Lesson Plans do not provide connection to how students learn science.



Lesson plans often engage students in high quality, active learning through Inquiry. Lessons plans encourage students individually and collaboratively to observe, ask questions, design inquiries, and collect and interpret data in order to develop concepts and relationships from empirical experiences. 

Lesson plans include some opportunities to engage students in inquiry skills but several good instructional opportunities are not utilized.  

Lesson plans are largely teacher centered direct instruction with little opportunity for student to engage in inquiry.


Issues in Science


Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider risk, costs, and benefits of alternative solutions that relate to students’ values.

Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider alternative solutions.

Lesson plans do not provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider alternative solutions.


Science in the Community


Lesson plans provide students opportunities to interact with local science resources, resolve issues, and involve stakeholders.

Lesson plans provide students with opportunities to interact with local science resources.

Lesson plans do not provide students with opportunities to interact with local science resources.



Safety materials

Attention is given to safety in each lesson plan. All aspects of the safe use and handling of materials related to the Unit Plan are included, such as MSDS sheets, preparation of solutions, storage of materials, and dispensing of all science materials.

Student immediate safety is adequately addressed. However, lesson plans do not include complete guidelines for the preparation, dispensing, and disposal of all science materials.

Student safety is not addressed in each lesson plan. The unit do not include complete guidelines for the preparation, dispensing, and disposal of all science materials.


Ethical treatment of living organisms

As needed, students are included in a discussion of the ethical treatment and care of living organisms.

As needed, lesson plans include applicable procedures for the ethical treatment and care of living organisms.

Ethical treatment and care of living organisms is incomplete or absent



Assessments to guide instruction

All lesson plans demonstrate various approaches to performance-based assessments. The unit includes both formative and summative assessments.

~80% of lesson plans show the use of pre and post assessments in the cognitive domain. Assessments address science specific elements (content, NOS, Inquiry, Issues) that are designed to be used to guide instruction.

50% of lesson plans and the unit show the use of pre and post assessments in the cognitive domain. Not all elements are assessed in the Unit Plan.


Multiple assessment tools


Assessments show 1) alignment with instruction; 2) age appropriate, 3) gather data for diagnostic, formative and summative use; 4) used to guide instruction, 5) encourage critical thinking in students, 6) assesses possible misconceptions and 7) include a rubric and answer key for each assessment.

Assessments meet 3 or 4 of the areas in Exemplary and may be weak or absent in the remaining areas.

Assessments meet 0 or 2 of the areas in Exemplary and may be weak or absent in the remaining areas.


Student self analysis

Lesson plans provide structure for students to analyze their own learning and reflect on and change their own work.

Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze their own learning or reflect on their own work.

Lesson plans either do not provide students opportunities to analyze and reflect or opportunities are not appropriate for Unit Plan.











Readiness to be a Teacher Rubric:  You will be scored on your readiness to participate in class and readiness to be a science teacher. You will be graded three times for 100 points.


Poor <84

Acceptable 85-94

Excellent  95-100

Readiness to be a Science Teacher

Little evidence that your science content knowledge and knowledge of teaching and learning are becoming integrated and that you are developing the skills necessary for effective teaching. 


Your communication skills need much improvement.

Your Pedagogical content knowledge is developing but there is evidence that you struggle at times with designing meaningful lessons and or assessments.


Your communication skills-oral and written are satisfactory. You should continue to focus much effort at  explaining scientific ideas and concepts.

On-time and ready to begin each day. Readings and assignments are completed. Actively participate including listening to the ideas of others and the professor. There is evidence that you are developing researched based positions and ideas about teaching and learning.


Your pedagogical Content knowledge is exceptionally well developed for an undergraduate pre-service teacher. You know science content well and you are very capable of developing meaningful and effective lessons and units of instruction. There is solid evidence that you are a reflective learner and dedicated to becoming an excellent science teacher.


Your communication skills-oral and written are excellent. You are very capable of clearly explaining scientific ideas and concepts.




Table summarizing the course requirements and due dates.

Assignment Due Dates Points
Discrepant Events 9/7; 9/14; 9/21; 9/28; 10/5; 10/12; 10/19; 10/26; 11/2; 11/9 10 points each or 100 Points total.
Chapter Planning Outlines 9/12; 9/26; 10/10; 10/24; 11/7 20 points each or 100 Points total.
Detailed Chapter Plan 11/19 200 points
Readiness to be a Teacher Rubrics 9/28; 10/26; 12/12 100 points
Total Points for Course: 500    



A = 95%

A-  = 90-94%

B+ = 85-89%

B = 80-84%

B- = 76-78%

C+ = 73-75%

C = 70-72%

D = 60-69%

E = <60%



















































References for Further Reading


American Association for the Advancement of Science: Project 2061. Science for All Americans. 1990. New York, N.Y. Oxford University Press.


Bereiter, C., and M. Scardamalia. 1989. Intentional learning as a goal of instruction. In Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser, L.B. Resnick, ed.: 361-392. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.


Brown, A. 1994.The advancement of learning. Presidential Address, American Educational Research Association. Educational Researcher, 23: 4-12.


Brown, A.L., and J.C. Campione. 1994. Guided discovery in a community of learners. In Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice, K. McGilly, ed.: 229-270. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Bruer, J.T. 1993. Schools for Thought: A Science of Learning in the Classroom. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Carey, S. 1985. Conceptual Change in Childhood. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Carey, S., and R. Gelman, eds. 1991. The Epigenesis of Mind: Essays on Chemistry and Cognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.


Champagne, A.B. 1988. Science Teaching: Making the System Work. In This Year in School Science 1988: Papers from the Forum for School Science. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Cohen, D.K., M.W. McLaughlin, and J.E. Talbert, eds. 1993. Teaching for Understanding: Challenges for Policy and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Darling-Hammond, L. 1992. Standards of Practice for Learner Centered Schools. New York: National Center for Restructuring Schools and Learning.


Harlen, W. 1992. The Teaching of Science. London: David Fulton Publishers.


Hassard, J. 1992. Minds on Science: Middle and Secondary School Methods. New York, N.Y: Harper Collins Publishers.


Leinhardt, G. 1993. On Teaching. In Advances in Instructional Psychology, R. Glaser ed., vol.4: 1-54. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.


Loucks-Horsley, S., J.G. Brooks, M.O. Carlson, P. Kuerbis, D.P. Marsh, M. Padilla, H. Pratt, and K.L. Smith. 1990. Developing and Supporting Teachers for Science Education in the Middle Years. Andover, MA: The National Center for Improving Science Education.




Loucks-Horsley, S., M.O. Carlson, L.H. Brink, P. Horwitz, D.P. Marsh, H. Pratt, K.R. Roy, and K. Worth. 1989. Developing and Supporting Teachers for Elementary School Science Education. Andover, MA: The National Center for Improving Science Education.


McGilly, K., ed. 1994. Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards). 1991. Toward High and Rigorous Standards for the Teaching Profession: Initial Policies and Perspectives of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 3rd ed. Detroit, MI: NBPTS.


NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). 1991. Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.


NRC (National Research Council). 1994. Learning, Remembering, Believing: Enhancing Human Performance, D. Druckman and R.A. Bjork, eds. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.


NRC (National Research Council). 1990. Fulfilling the Promise: Chemistry Education in the Nation's Schools. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.


NRC (National Research Council). 1987. Education and Learning to Think, L.B. Resnick, ed. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.


Schoen, D. 1987. Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Shulman, L.S. 1987. Knowledge and teaching foundations of the new reform. Harvard Education Review, 57 (1): 1-22