METR 360

Fall, 2012


Sample Exam 1 

Sample Exam 2

Sample Final Exam

Fall 2012 Exam 1

Fall 2012 Exam 2

Fall 2012 Final Exam

Norwegian Cyclone Model Review

Norwegian Cyclone Model Lectures

Schematic of a mature cyclone (following Bjerknes and Solberg)


Lectures on Fronts

Cold front:  features and schematic cross section

Warm front:  features and schematic cross section

Why fronts always lie in troughs

Margules' formula for slopes of fronts

Analyzing fronts



Sample skew-T log-P diagrams:  Stable lapse rates, Absolutely unstable lapse rate, Conditionally unstable lapse rate

Examples (from NCAR-RAL)Flagstaff (Abs. unstable), Miami (Conditionally unstable), Albany (Abs. stable)

Air Masses

Cold Air Damming lectures

Lake Effect lectures

Decoding NAM MOS (from NWS)

Decoding GFS short range MOS (from NWS)
Decoding GFS extended range MOS (from NWS)

Upper air and Thickness lectures

Vertical Motion

Vorticity advection derivation (this is a .gif file)

Temperature advection derivation (another .gif file)

Waves in the Westerlies (Rossby waves)


Here are some places to view hemispheric upper air maps and see the waves:

300 mb from Unisys
Univ. Wyoming (choose Northern Hemisphere and uncheck Observations box)
Penn. State (can be animated, click box)
Ensemble hemispheric 500 mb forecast, next two weeks

Blizzard of 1888 (from Kocin article)

Snow totals March 9-10 surface maps
March 11-12 surface maps March 13-14 surface maps

Summary of Potential Vorticity conservation (cyclogenesis)

Jet Stream Lectures

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