Math 205: Discrete Mathematics Structures
Fall 2019, Section 02, CRN 956

Schedule: MWRF 10:00am-10:50am
Location: Fitzelle Hall 246
Text: Discrete Mathematics, an Open Introduction, by Levin (3rd edition)

Professor: Jonathan Brown
Office: Fitzelle Hall 260
Phone: 436-3720
Office Hours: Thursday 11:00-11:50, Friday 12-12:50, 2:00-2:50 or by appointment

Catalog Description: An introduction to topics in discrete structures. Topics include set theory, combinatorics, logic, proof techniques, functions, relations, pigeonhole principle, equivalence relations, recurrence and recursion, graph and trees, number theory.

Course Goals and Objectives: The goals of Math 205 include giving the student an appreciation and understanding of the basic ideas, results, and applications of discrete mathematics including set theory, combinatorics, logic, relations, recurrence and recursion, graph theory, and number theory; providing historical perspectives into the development of ideas of discrete mathematics; and giving the student experience in constructing mathematical proofs and in applying the results and ideas of discrete mathematics. Objectives of the course designed to achieve these goals include presentation and discussion of topics included in the College Catalog; and descriptions and completion of homework assignments, quizzes, and exams by the students.

Course Content: We will be covering the following topics:
Ch.0: Introduction to logic, sets, functions
Ch.1: Counting and Combinatorics
Ch.2: Sequences and Induction
Ch.3: Logic and Proofs
Ch.4: Graph Theory
Ch.5 Generating Functions, Number Theory

SUNY General Education Attributes: LA

SUNY Learning Outcomes: Students will show competence in the following quantitative reasoning skills: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, and quantitative reasoning.

Homework/Classwork: 25%
Class Participation: 5%
2 in class exams: 20% each
Final: 30%

Your letter grade will be determined from the following heuristic:
A : 93 - 100
A-: 90 - 92.99
B+: 87 - 89.99
B : 83 - 86.99
B-: 80 - 82.99
C+: 77 - 79.99
C :73 - 76.99
C-: 70 - 72.99
D+: 67 - 69.99
D : 63 - 66.99
D-: 60 - 62.99
E : 0 - 59.99

Quizzes: There will be a quiz during the last 10 minutes of class on most Fridays. The lowest quiz score will be dropped.

Homework: There will be two types of homework problems assigned in this course: recommended practice problems (which are not to be turned in), and homework to be collected (which will often consist of proofs).

When we are covering sections with a lot of proofs, I will assign one proof problem for you to turn in each week. Since it takes quite a while to get the hang of proof writing, your first proofs will probably have many errors and lose lots of points. To encourage you to learn from your mistakes, I will allow you to re-write each proof homework for some of the points lost back.

Most of the homework will be practice problems assigned from the text, and they will not be collected or graded. The list of practice problems can be found on blackboard. Note that the odd numbered problems have answers in the back of the book. It is essential that you do these problems. Learning, development, and growth require time and sustained effort. Most of the knowledge and skills you obtain from this course will come from the time you spend with these problems. Furthermore the quiz problems will often closely resemble (or even be copied from) the problems from the text.

Tentative Exam Schedule:
Exam 1: 10/11
Exam 2: 11/22

Final Exam Schedule:
Monday December 16, 8:00am - 10:30am.

Calculators: Calculators will useful while doing the homework (especially if you want to check that your answer matches the one in the back of the book), however graphing calculators (or cell phones, iphones, etc) are not allowed during quizzes and exams. Furthermore it will never be necessary to have a calculator for a quiz or exam.

Attendance Policy: Missing class is a very bad idea. Anyone who misses more than 25% of classes starting in week 2 may be removed from the course.

ADA (American with Disabilities Act) Statement:
Students Diagnosed with a Disability-All individuals who are diagnosed with a disability are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As such, you may be entitled to certain accommodations within this class. If you are diagnosed with a disability, please make an appointment to meet with Accessibility Resources, 133 Milne Library, ext. 2137. All students with the necessary supporting documentation will be provided appropriate accommodations as determined by the Accessibility Resources Office. It is your responsibility to contact Accessibility Resources and concurrently supply me with your accommodation plan, which will inform me exactly what accommodations you are entitled to. You will only receive accommodations once you provide me with an Accessibility Resources accommodation plan. Any previously recorded grades will not be changed.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
In the event of an emergency evacuation, classes meeting in this building are directed to reassemble in the IRC Lobby so that all persons can be accounted for. All students are also encouraged to register for NY Alert at for immediate notification of campus emergencies on or near the campus.

Getting Help
You are expected to spend anywhere between 6 and 12 hours per week outside of class on the material. The amount of time necessary to pass, or obtain the grade you expect, depends heavily from person to person. Typically, a student spending less than 6 hours per week outside the class should expect to earn a "C" or worse.

If you are struggling with the material, be aware that you have options:
(1) Struggle a bit. Part of the learning process is the internal struggle of trying to understand how all of the pieces fit together. It can be frustrating, but it can also be rewarding. If you make progress, however slow, then it is time well spent. If you feel that your time is not productive, then you should talk to me, or other students, about how you can make better use of your study time.
(2) Visit my office hours. It is part of my job to be available to help you understand the material. There is not enough time in the classroom to get everything across, and you are not expected to do it all on your own.
(3) Find alternate instructional material online. Different people have different styles, and while you might have found my way of discussing something to be confusing, there may be someone else out there who can discuss it in a away that makes sense to you. There are a number of free text books, lessons, and video lectures available online. Feel free to ask me about other sources.
(4) Visit the tutors in CADE. They have drop in tutoring for this course 1 night each week.
(5) Talk to your fellow students who are taking or who have taken the class. Learning is a social activity; you are not expected to do it all on your own.
(6) If after availing yourself of the above options, you still find that you are struggling regularly to understand the material, find a regular tutor. If you are in this situation, you will likely have to spend significant extra time on the material to ensure a passing grade.

Tentative Schedule.
Date Section Topic Textbook Problems
(not to be collected)
Do these if you want to succeed!
8/26 0.1 What is Discrete Mathematics?
0.2 Mathematical Statements 1-19 odd
0.3 Sets 1,2,6,8,10,12,14,17,19,21,23,25,28,29
0.4 Functions 1,3,5,8,10,12,14,16,19,21,25,27,29,30
1.1 Additive and Multiplication Principles 1-13 odd, 14
1.2 Binomial Coefficients 1-13 odd
9/16 1.3 Combinations and Permutations 1,3,4,5-13 odd
1.4 Combinatorial Proofs 1-13 odd
9/20 1.5 Stars and Bars 1-11 odd
1.6 Advanced Counting using PIE 1-14
2.1 Describing Sequences 1-19 odd
2.2 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences 1-13 odd, 14,15
10/4 2.3 Polynomial Fitting 1-11 odd
10/7 2.4 Solving Recurrence Relations 1-13 odd
2.5 Induction 1-13 odd, 14,15,16,17-29 odd
10/11 Exam 1
3.1 Propositional Logic 1-19 odd
3.2 Proofs 1-21
4.1 Graph Theory: Definitions 1-15 odd
4.2 Trees 1-15 odd
4.3 Planar Graphs 1-15 odd
4.4 Coloring 1-13 odd
11/15 4.5 Euler Paths and Circuits 1-11 odd
11/18 4.6 Matching in Bipartite Graphs 1-6
5.2 Introduction to Number Theory 1-18
11/22 Exam 2
5.1 Generating Functions 1-15 odd, 16
12/6 Equivalence Relations
12/9 Review