Literary Fiction is defined for the purposes of this site as a novel, book of poetry, or collection of short stories that is reviewed as fiction in these sources.
Those publications that do not permit direct links have been given a link to their search/archive page, and can be searched by author or title at that point. Or, consult your local library for the print or microfilm edition of the publication.
The online versions of some newspapers differ substantially from the print versions. Some book reviews appear in the print versions that are not online. What appears in this list is mostly from the online versions.
For some sites (New York Times for example) registration may be required. If you register at your own computer, the password and registration information will be read automatically after your initial sign-on. At a public machine, you will be required to enter your password.
Easy searching on these pages may be accomplished by using the "find" button on the browser to enter a word from the author's name or from the title. It would be nice to have the information arranged as a database but that's beyond me at this point.
Every attempt has been made to clear permission from the publications for use of their information. All reviews are fully credited and are located on the newspaper's site.
Please report inaccuracies, additions, corrections, suggestions, to me at the email address below.
Thanks for stopping by.
Jim Coan
Librarian, SUNY College at Oneonta