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Duomo Sculpture

The Evangelists

While the Arte del Calimala was engaged in the Baptistry Door project, the Arte della Lana initiated campaigns to expand the sculptural decoration of the Duomo. In 1408, the guild began commissioning sculpture for the unfinished facade of the Cathedral, engaging Nanni di Banco, Donatello, Bernardo Ciuffagni, and Niccolò Lamberti each to make a seated Evangelist for the niches on either side of the main door:




 Bernardo Ciuffagni, St. Matthew, c. 1410

 Nanni di Banco, St. Luke, 1408-15.

 Donatello, St. John, 1408-1411.

 Niccolò Lamberti, St. Mark, 1408-15.

Assignment: Compare the different conceptions of the human figure presented by this series of figures.

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