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Column of Trajan and Comparisons

"Joshua Roll," Macedonian Renaissance, Byzantine, 10th century

"Joshua Roll," Macedonian Renaissance, Byzantine, 10th century

Quedlinburg Itala Fragment, early 5th century.

Detail showing Saul sacrificing from the Quedlinburg Itala Fragment

Nave Mosaic showing Joshua from Santa Maria Maggiore, early 5th century.

Nave Mosaic showing Joshua from Santa Maria Maggiore, early 5th century.

Melchizidek and Abraham from Santa Maria Maggiore.

Marcus Aurelius, from the Conservatori reliefs

Seal of King Philip IV, in use 1285- 1314.

Throne of Dagobert. Restored by Abbot Suger in the 12thcentury and was believed to date back to the Merovingian king Dagobert.