Letter from Jean Dinteville to his brother, the Bishop of Auxerre:*

May 23, 1533

J'ai receu vostre lettre escripte de Sommevoyre, par laquelle me semble que me mandez que autrefoys avez dit aux ambassadeurs de ce Roy, estans par, de la, que aviez entendu aux propos de nostre Sainct Père, que pour l'affaire de ce dit Roy seroit meilleur le mariage fait que à faire. Si ainsi estoit, seroit une chose qui grandement luy pourroit servit. Je vous prie me mander, si d'adventure le pape ne se vouloit gouverner de ce costé de deça autrement que à point, si je pourroye bien advertir cedit Roy de ce dont m'en avez mandé, et se pareillement quand les choses viendront bien avant, vous luy vouldriez ramentevoir les propos qu'il vous en a tenu, en lui disant que des lors les communiquastez aux ambassadeurs de ce dit sieur Roy, voyant les affaires du Roy et les siennes n'estre que ung. S'il vous plaist sur cela me manderez vostre advis, lequel ferez bien de consulter ung petit avec nos amys, et par adventure, avec Monseigneur le Grant Maistre et Monsieur de Paris, car la chose est assés de consquence.

Au reste, nous vous mercyones bien fort, Monsr. de la Tournelle, mon cousin et moy, des branches de vostre if, que nous soubhaittez, vous advisant que ceans sommes bien fourniz d'arcs de buttes et de maulvais archiers, et moy, pour le pire.

Je vous prie m'envoyer le portraict du compas auvale duquel m'avez escript; car je suis bien empesché à comprendre la façon de laquelle il est fait.

Je commence bien à me fascher en ce pays ycy, en attendant la fin des six moys, lesquelz escheurent le vingt deuxiesme juillet. Monsr. le grant maistre m'a promis que n'y demoureray que les dits six moys. Je prie à Dieu qu'il me tienne promesse. J'ay eu la fiebvre tierce et y a long temps qu'en suis guery. S'il vous plaist, divisez ung petit avec monsr. de Paris pour mon retour. Je vous advise bien que je suis le plus melancolicque fasché et fascheux ambassadeur que vistez oncques.

Monsr. de Lavor m'a fait cest honneur que de me venir veoir, qui ne m'a esté petit plaisir. Il n'est point de besoing que Mr. le grant maistre en entende rien.

J'ai eu des lettres d'Escoce de Monsr. de Beauvois. J'espère la trafve estre conclutte bien tost, et pour ung an, antre ces deux princes.

Monsr. de Northfolrc partira d'icy à deux ou trois jours pour s'en aller trouver le Roy. Je vous prie luy faire congnoissance, car par deça son maistre vous tient en bon estime et ancor le m'a il dit depuis huict jours.

Quant aux autours, de quoi me mandez, me semble, ne sera que despence de les envoyer, car de Roy n'ayme point la vollerie, et si en y a tout plain en ce Royaulme.

Je ne puis entendre que si allez a Rome que ce soit pour peu de temps. Et si vous m'en croyez, essayiez de tout vostre povoir faire que ung autre ayt la commission. Je vous prie, entendez bien à voz evocations. Je ne puis trouver bon que les laissez derriere.

Il me tarde de savoir de vos nouvelles et que direz de la tour et des tableaux.

Monsieur, je me recommande humblement à vostre bonne grace; prie à Dieu qui vous doint bonne vie et longue. A Londres, ce XXIIIe . may.

Il me fault faire une grosse depense pur se couronnement. J'en ay escript à monseigneur le grand maistre, luy suplient me faire donner quelque argent par le Roy, pour y frayer. J'en scaurois voulontiers des nouvelles. J'en ai escript aussy a Monsr. de Paris qui vous en pourra dire quelque et me y peult beaucoup ayder.

Vostre humble serviteur.


I have received your letter written from Sommevoyre, by which I understand you to tell me that some time ago you said to the ambassadors of this king [Henry VIII] when in Italy, that you had heard the Pope say that, regarding the affair of this said king, the marriage would be better made than to make. If this was so, it is a thing which would be of great service to him [Henry VIII]. Pray let me know whether, in case the Pope does not desire to take another course than the one mentioned respecting the affairs of this country, I might inform this said king of what you told me; and similarly, if things should become very threatening, whether you would remind the Pope of the expressions he then used to you, telling him that you at once communicated them to the ambassadors of this said king, seeing the affairs of the king [of France] and his, to be but one. If you please, send your opinion on this matter, which you will do well to discuss a little with our friends, and perhaps with Monseigneur the Grant-Maître and the Bishop of Paris [Jean du Bellay], for the thing is of considerable importance.

For the rest, we thank you very much, M. de la Tournelle, my cousin and I, for the branches of your yew-tree which you offer to us, but over here we are well furnished with arquebuses and with bad archers, of whjom I am the worst.

Pray send me a drawing of the oval compass of which you wrote; I cannot at all understand the fashion in which it is made.

I am growing very weary in this country, while awaiting the end of the six months, which will expire on the 22nd July. The Grand-Maître promised me that I should only remain here for the said six months. I pray God he may keep his word. I have had tertian fever, but recovered from it long ago. Please consult a little with M. de Paris about my return. I assure you very earnestly that I am the most melancholy, weary and wearisome ambassador that ever was seen.

M. de Lavor did me the honour to come to see me, which was no small pleasure to me. There is no need for the Grand-Maître to hear anything about it.

I have had letters from Scotland from M. de Beauvois. I hope the truce will soon be concluded, for one year, between these two princes.

The Duke of Norfolk will leave here in two or three days to go and join the king [of France]. Pray make his acquaintance, for here his master holds you in good esteem; he told me so within a week.

As for the vultures [a species of hawk...], I think it would be an expense to send them, for this king does not like falconry, and this country is full of such birds.

I cannot believe that if you go to Rome, itwill only be for a short time. If you will believe me, do your utmost to get the commission given to somebody else. Pray attend well to your legal appeals. I cannot think it well that you should leave them behind.

I am longing to have new of you and to know what you say to the tower and to the picture. Sir. etc From London this 23rd May.

I shall have to go to great expense for this coronation. I have written on the subject to the Grand-Maître, begging him to ask the king to give me some money to meet it with. I should be very glad to hear something of it. I also wrote to M. de Paris, who may mention it to you, and who can help me a great deal about it.

Your humble servant<

The Bailly


Translation of the Complete

"Come, Holy Spirit, Lord our God."
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Text From:
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1883), p. 27

1. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord our God,
And pour thy gifts of grace abroad;
Thy faithful people fill with blessing,
Love's fire their hearts possessing.
O Lord, thou by thy heavenly light
Dost gather and in faith unite
Through all the world a holy nation
To sing to thee with exultation,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

2. O holiest Light! O Rock adored!
Give us thy light, thy living word,
To God himself our spirits leading,
With him as children pleading.
From error, Lord, our souls defend,
That they on Christ alone attend;
In him with faith unfeigned abiding,
In him with all their might confiding.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

3. O holiest Fire! O Source of rest!
Grant that with joy and hope possest,
And in thy service kept forever,
Naught us from thee may sever.
Lord, may thy power prepare each heart;
To our weak nature strength impart,
Onward to press, our foes defying,
To thee, through living and through dying.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hymn XII from "The Hymns of Martin Luther"
Author: Martin Luther
Translated by: chiefly that of Arthur Tozer Russell
Titled: "Komm', heiliger Geist, Herre Gott"
Stanza 1: "_Veni, Sancte Spiritus_, gebessert durch D. Martin
Luther." translated from the Latin hymn ascribed to King Robert of
France (A.D. 991),is traced to a service-book of the church in
Basel, of the year 1514.
Stanzas 2 and 3: written by Luther
Melody: original Latin Melody
Harmony: after Erythraeus, 1609
1st Published in: "Enchiridion"
Town: Erfurt, 1524
This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg
by Cindy A. Beesley and is in the public domain. You may
freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any
comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther
Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.

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