Catherine Belsey, The Subject of Tragedy:
/p.7 I use the term 'liberal humanism' to denote the ruling
assumptions, values and meanings of the modern epoch. Liberal
humanism, laying claim to be both natural and universal, was produced
in the interests of the bourgeois class which came to power in
the second half of the seventeenth century. There are, of course,
dangers in collapsing the historical specifities and the ideological
differences of three centuries into a single term. Liberal humanism
is not an unchanging, homogeneneous, unified essence, and the
development, often contradictory, of the discourses and institutions
which sustain it, deserves detailed analysis. But there are alternative
dangers in a specificity which never risks generalization.....To
find in Locke, for instance ... a liberalism and a humanism with
still recognizable constitute elements of twentieth-century common
sense is not to deny the importance of the specific location of
Locke's texts in the 1690s on the one hand, or the subsequent
and continuing debates and divisions within liberal humanism on
the other....
/p.8 The common feature of liberal humanism, justifying the use
of the single phrase, is a commitment to man , whose essence
is freedom . Liberal humanism proposes that the subject
is the free, unconstrained author of meaning and action, the origin
of history. Unified, knowing, and autonomous, the human being
seeks a political system which guarantees freedom of choice. Western
liberal democracy, it claims, freely chosen, and thus evidently
the unconstrained expression of human nature, was born in the
seventeenth century with the emergence of the individual and the
victory of constitutionalism in the consecutive English revolutions
of the 1640s and 1688. But in the century since these views were
established as self-evident, doubts have arisen concerning this
reading of the past as the triumphant march of progress towards
the moment when history levels off into the present. And from
the new perspectives which have given rise to these doubts, both
liberal humanism and the subject it produces appear to be an effect
of a continuing history, rather than its culmination. The individual,
it now seems, was not released at last from the heads of the people
who had waited only for the peace and leisure to cultivate what
lay ineluctably within them and within all of us. On the contrary,
the liberal-humanism subject, /p.9 the product of a specific epoch
and a specific class, was constructed in conflict and contradiction
--with conflicting and contradictory consequences.
One of these contradictions is the inequality of freedom. While
in theory all men are equal, men and women are not symmetrically
defined. Man, the centre and hero of liberal humanism, was produced
in contradistinction to the objects of his knowledge, and in terms
of the relations of power in the economy and the state. Woman
was produced contradistinction to man, and in terms of the relations
of power in the family.