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Michelangelo after 1520

Medici Chapel, 1519-1534:

New Sacristy of the Church of San Lorenzo. It was originally planned to contain the tombs of Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano as well as other members of the Medici family. The tombs of Lorenzo and Giuliano which were intended be placed flanking the Virgin and Child on the wall opposite the altar were never completed. The tombs that are there are those of Giuliano, the Duke of Nemours (1478-1516) and Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino (1492-1519).It intentionally mirrors the Old Sacristy designed by Brunelleschi.

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici, 1520s with Night and Day

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici, 1520s with Dusk and Dawn

Dusk and Dawn

Giuliano de' Medici

Victory, early 1520s

figura serpentinata

Is the head of the defeated figure below a self-portrait of Michelangelo?

Last Judgment from the Sistine Chapel, 1534-1541

Note how Michelangelo bases his conception of Hell on the mythological conception of Hades with Charon the boatsman transported the damned across the river Styx. In the far right corner is the figure of King Minos, the legendary king of Crete who was associated with Minotaur.

Michelangelo, Pietàs

Vatican Pietà, 1498/99-1500.

Florentine Pietà, before 1555.

Rondanini Pietà, 1554-64.

Head of Nicodemus is a self-portrait of Michelangelo.