
David, Death of Marat, 1793.

Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon at the Pesthouse at Jaffa, 1804.

David, Napoleon Crossing the Great St. Bernard Pass, 1800-01.

Delaroche, Napoleon Crossing the Great St. Bernard Pass, 1850.

Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon at the Battle of Eylau, 1808.

Antoine-Jean Gros, Murat at the Battle of Aboukir, 1806.

Gericault, Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19.

Courbet, Burial at Ornans, 1849-50.

Goya, The Third of May, 1808, painted 1814-15.

Manet, Execution of the Emperor Maximilian,
Comparisons |
Giotto, Raising of Lazarus, from the Arena Chapel, c. 1305.

Giotto, Lamentation, from the Arena Chapel, c. 1305.

Michelangelo, Pietà, c. 1498-1500.

Goya, Agony in the Garden