
Central doorway of the south transept of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1220-1230. The tympanum and lintels illustrate the Last Judgment. Christ is presented on the trumeau.

Last Judgement from the South Transept portals of Chartres Cathedral.
see also Chartres, North Transept

Detail of the archivolts of the Last Judgment.

Last Judgment from the Church of Saint Lazare at Autun, c. 1120-1135. (Romanesque Portal)

Jamb figures of Confessors with St. Theodore on the right. South Transept of Chartres Cathedral.

Christ (Beau Dieu), from the trumeau of the central doorway of the west facade of Amiens Cathedral, c. 1220-1235.

Central Portal of the West Facade of Reims Cathedral. Coronation of the Virgin in the gable.

Madonna and Child from the Trumeau of the Central Portal of the West Facade of Reims Cathedral.

Annunciation Group from Reims Cathedral.

c. 1245-55.

c. 1230.

Visitation Group from Reims Cathedral, c. 1230-33.

Mary from the Visitation Group from Reims Cathedral.

Reims Cathedral, North Transept, Central Portal, c. 1230.

Jamb Figures of the Apostles from the central portal of the North Transept: Sts. Andrew, Bartholomew, and Peter.

Beau Dieu on the trumeau of the central portal of the North Transept.

Christ the Judge flanked by the Virgin and St. John the Baptist with Angels holding the Instruments of the Passion.

Morgan Madonna- Sedes Sapientiae - Throne of Wisdom. Romanesque, late 12th century, from Auvergne.

Virgin and Child, Notre-Dame, Paris, early 14th century.

Ivory statue of the Virgin an Child from Sainte Chapelle, third quarter of the thirteenth century (before 1279).

Giotto, Raising of Lazarus from the Arena Chapel, c. 1310.

Detail of the Entry into Jerusalem from the Arena Chapel.