CIDR Accomplishments To Date (and to be done):


·         Steven Bayne, Peter Anderson, Luke D’Imperio

·         Continuing research project, regional APS poster


·         Charlie and Steven summer work at ARLT

·         Trevor and Charlie’s NECA maintenance trip 


·         Set-up CIDR data server and analysis computers


·         Push entire CIDR data base (pre 6/2008) from UTARL to SUNY Oneonta data archive

·         Develop summary plots of raw (dTEC) and processed (STEC, DROTI) data {Choose plots for public viewing, check and correct plot errors}

·         Develop batch process for producing summary plots {code is written, waiting for choice of plot, modifications for daily automated cron execution}

·         Develop python routines for summary plotting to replace IDL {need to complete satellite trajectory plots, Peter} 

·         Develop script for automated download (with secure keys) to the SUNY Oneonta data archive {change security on SUNY Oneonta archive computer to allow UT access, complete the script, set the keys}


·         CIDR Web

Develop CIDR web page with general information on the CIDR program

Develop web page to view summary plots


·         Irregularity Analysis

Calculate and plot DROTI for CIDR data {detrending, low pass filtering need to be added}

Determine (literature and analysis) time window for DROTI {starting}

Analysis to determine index values for irregularity onset {not yet started}

Automated determination of irregularities and location {not yet started}


·         Supplemental Analysis

Analysis of high latitude TEC and magnetometer correlation {latitudinal magnetometer plots almost completer}

Infer TEC from STEC

Comparison of inferred TEC from CIDR to GPS inferred TEC values