Date___________      Evaluator_________________________________   First Author of Book or Article_______________________


POOR (1)


GOOD (3)







>No sensible order of slides

>Lack of communication among group members


>Some slides in sensible order (some not)

>Some (limited) communication among group members

>Most slides in sensible order

>Clear communication among group members most of the time

>All slides in clear, sensible order

>Clear communication among group members at all times

Knowledge of Content




>Group imparts no understanding of the information

>Unable to answer questions about content

>Group imparts some understanding of the information

>Able to answer some questions

>Group imparts understanding of most of the information

>Able to answer most of the questions

>Group imparts full understanding of all of the information

>Able to answer all of the questions







>Several spelling/grammar errors

>Presentation is sloppy/unattractive

>Visual aids were absent/ineffective

>Some spelling/grammar errors

>Presentation is slightly sloppy/unattractive

>Visual aids were scarce/mostly ineffective

>A few spelling/grammar errors

>Presentation is mostly neat/attractive

>Visual aids were present/moderately effective

>No spelling/grammar errors

>Presentation is very neat/attractive

>Visual aids were always appropriate and highly effective







>Group makes poor eye contact

>Group has excessive reliance on note cards

>Group exhibits poor communication skills almost all of the time

>Group makes some eye contact

>Group uses note cards most of the time

>Group exhibits poor communication skills some of the time

>Group makes eye contact most of the time

>Group uses note cards some of the time

>Group occasionally exhibits poor communication skills

>Group makes eye contact all of the time

>Group does not use note cards

>Group consistently exhibits good communication skills





>Overview missing or unhelpful

>No (or poor)  take home summary & conclusions

>Poor match of overview and presentation

>Poor match of take home and presentation

>Presentation mostly follows overview

>Good match of take home and presentation

>Presentation exactly follows overview

>Take home exactly reflects presentation







>No discussion of implications for social policy

>No connections made to previous presentations

>Meager or poor discussion of social policy implications

>Minimal or poor connections made to previous presentations

>Some and generally helpful discussion of social policy implications

> Some and generally helpful connections made to previous presentations

>Frequent and substantial discussion of social policy implications

>Frequent and substantial connections made to previous presentations