Since the outset of this procedure I had some concern about how the pins came out. Early on in the process (about week 2) I was told they come right out with no medication or real pain right in the doctor's office. Well, they were right. Dr. Elting put a small "skate key" like wrench on the end of the pins and just unscrewed them. They came right out with very little discomfort. The bottom pins hurt a little coming out, but the pain was short lived and not too bad.
The bottom two pin sites bled alot and for a few minutes the nurse was a bit
concerned so I had to wear a pressure wrap for 24 hours. The sites looked good
after 24 hours and I hope to be down to just bandaids soon. More importantly my
leg feels much better just 24 hours after the pin removal. There is still a
little soreness but the pin holes are closed up and doing nicely.
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