date altered Tuesday, Feb 13 2001
crop boundaries file: C:\lf_runs\bounds.txt
grid spacing (cm)= 1
#rows= 90 ,#columns= 89
basin area = 6580.0
initial elev = 94.0
initial slope = 0.01
initial noise 0.01
slope exponent = 1
discharge exponent = 0.25
rainfall rate= 0.001
randomize rainfall? n
rain noise = 0.001
rain*area*delt = 329.00
uplift rate = 0.0001
randomize uplift? n
uplift noise = 0.0001
Periodic uplift? n
# cycles per run = 1
amplitude of uplift = 0
uplift*area*delt = 32.90
rain/uplift = 10.00
stream erosion coeff = 0.001
stream erosion threshold = 0
diffusive erosion coeff = 0
diffusion erosion threshold = 1
#iterations between diffusive events= 1
Erode with stream curvature? y
curvature erosion coefficient = 0.001
threshold area to define a stream = 25
iterations between curvature calcs = 25
Erode with landslides? n
critical slope = 0.577
#iterations/landslides = 10
alluvial erosion coeff = 1
bedrock erosion coeff = 1
time step size = 50
write elev to file every 200 iterations
Write elev grids to file? y
Write elev as *.txt? n
Write elev as *.bin? y
Write elev as *.bmp? y