
Ground Penetrating Radar study of a Flood Plain

The Pine Lake Environmental Campus (Hartwick College)

Charlotte Creek in New York



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The Tool

Overview map

Map of profile locations

GPR Data Filters

GPR profile example

GPR Raw Data File

GPR Viewer (freeware GroundVision v2, from Mala Geoscience)




Cindy Klink, at SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College

Emmon Johnson, undergrad at SUNY Oneonta

Pete Johnson (Emmon’s dad!)

Renee Walker, at SUNY Oneonta

David Anthony and Dori Brown, at Hartwick College

Les Hasbargen, at SUNY Oneonta


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SUNY Oneonta Earth Sciences

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In May 2008, a group of faculty and students initiated a ground penetrating radar investigation at Hartwick College’s Pine Lake Campus. The area of interest rests on a flood plain between the kame moraines which hold Pine Lake and Charlotte Creek. Archaeologists at SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College have excavated numerous artifacts (see this powerpoint poster from Renee Walker, a professor at SUNY Oneonta, for the results of field school excavations). The hope, going into this GPR mapping effort, was to target locations for future excavations.


For a great overview of how GPR has been used in archaeological investigations, check out Lawrence Conyer’s site at the University of Denver. Radar Solutions Inc has a nice overview of GPR here. And here is a link to our recent poster presentation at the Fall 2008 American Geophysical Union’s national convention in San Francisco dealing with floodplain stratigraphy at Pine Lake.


The Tool

SUNY Oneonta purchased a Mala Geoscience ground penetrating radar system in 2008. The system arrived with 500 and 100 MHz antennae. We utilize the 500 MHz antenna for mapping the subsurface at Pine Lake.

As you can see in the image above, the area is mown (easy to survey!), and low relief. A couple of shallow (not visible) swales run the length of the field, which we interpret as flood channels, and perhaps served as the main channel in the past. A cutbank of Charlotte Creek bounds the east edge of the field (shown below), and exposes a rounded cobble deposit underlying fine-grained sediments (interpreted as channel lag or possibly a gravel bar overlain by floodplain overbank deposits).




Given this geomorphic setting, what might we see in the shallow subsurface with GPR? Humans occupied this floodplain back to about 4000 years ago, and perhaps longer. Has Charlotte Creek migrated back and forth across this area in that time? Or has this area been stable, with occasional floods draping silt and sand lenses over the banks? Could we detect features left by humans, such as fire pits and smoking platforms?


This was our first experience with GPR. We had high expectations for mapping subsurface features where there was a large change in the radar transmitting capability of the substratum. Clearly, gravel and fine-grained deposits should have substantially different properties with respect to radar wave transmission. Our initial plan was to perform a gridded survey at 1 meter spacing across the entire field. Due to time constraints, we decided to collect a series of parallel profiles across the floodplain, with each profile separated by 1 meter. Along each profile the GPR takes a “shot” roughly every cm. The maps below provide a general setting.

The map above is part of a USGS Topo Quad (1:24K; contour interval = 20 feet) wrapped onto a digital elevation model of the Pine Lake site. Red dots mark previous small pit excavations, and they essentially map out the site at this scale of observation. Dashed line just south of the excavations (north is up) is an old railroad grade, now inactive. UTM projection. Overlay created in Global Mapper.


The air photo (NAIP 1 m color data layer from the USGS Seamless server) above was taken in 2005-2006 campaign, and shows the locations of excavations (red dots) and endpoints of the GPR profiles (blue X’s). The dashed blue line shows the orientation of GPR profiles. Pine Lake is the dark blue region in the northwest corner (north is up). GPR profiles trend 084/264. UTM projection. Overlay created in Global Mapper by Les Hasbargen.


We processed the raw profiles in a GPR profiling software called ReflexQuick2D. The various filters applied to each profile include: Subtract-DC-shift; Static correction; Subtract –mean (dewow); signal gain on return amplitudes with depth; a bandpass filter; background removal; and a frequency-wave number migration. Of these filters, the gain filter most affects visualization of subsurface features. We found that the migration filter has a rather small effect on depth location of features. We also roughly calibrated the velocity of the subsurface as 0.024 m/ns (meters per nanosecond), based on the depth to the cobble layer exposed in the cutbank.


An example of a processed profile appears below. For the map location of this profile, see the dashed line in the map above. The approximate depth (right-hand side axis) extends to 1.4 m. The horizontal scale is marked at 10 m intervals. This profile runs west to east across the middle of the field. The dominant structure along this profile appears to be a mound in the subsurface from 0.5-0.7 m depth. Other E-W profiles capture this same feature, so it extends longitudinally (roughly north-south) for quite a distance in the subsurface.


A compilation of GPR profiles (south of dashed line, north of dashed line) for the field site is provided in these (rather large!!) powerpoint files. Open at your own risk.


Future work

We have begun the work of tying excavations into the specific profiles. Emmon Johnson, a student in Earth Sciences at SUNY Oneonta, has created a software that displays the profile image each time a user clicks on a map of the field site—extremely useful software! One can readily view the subsurface radar stratigraphy for all prior excavations, and target new features for further investigation. We anticipate targeting the most-intriguing of the structures for excavation in Summer 2009. Stay tuned for news and updates on this project!


Page maintained by Les Hasbargen:
Les is solely responsible for the content and presentation of this website. Don’t blame my collaborators for this site’s appearance!
Last modified May 18, 2009

Page initiated July 12, 2008