Running 16-bit assembly

If you have a 32-bit windows version you should be able to run 16-bit exe programs without issue.  You would use make16.bat to assemble and link them, then just run on the blackscreen like any exe.  On your own machine, you would use the make16.bat (or for 32-bit, use make32.bat) that comes with the Irvine CD.  Remember, you will need to set paths or copy various files to your app root directory.  Do not type .asm after file name on commandline. The batch file pastes this in.  Syntax (on blackscreen) is

C:\approot>make16  prog


Otherwise (You have 64-bit windows or are working in labs)

First, assemble your .asm file:


In labs you can still assemble from Textpad by accessing external toolsàbuild 16-bit asm. You will get an error trying to run the resultant .exe file.  See next step below.

On your own machine, you should still be able to use the make16.bat that comes with the Irvine CD.  Remember, you will need to set paths or copy various files to your app root directory.  Do not type .asm after file name. The batch file pastes this in.  Syntax (on blackscreen) is

C:\approot>make16  prog

Next step, running the 16-bit exe resulting from assembly:

For a number of activities (using mouse, writing graphics-game programs in assembly and accessing DOS interrupts) we will need to explore the 16-bit mode.  You will need an X86 emulator.  There are probably several out there.  But DOSBOX is free and small.  Download and install (unzip).  If you work in the labs, put it on your p drive.  I chose windows version listed first.

DOSBox has a textfile manual that comes with the download. 

Run DOSBox by clicking its icon.  “Mount” the directory where your exe file is located.  DOSBox can not automatically navigate your system.  You must load a drive/dir with the mount command. Then just run as usual on blackscreen of DOSBox.  Here I run a 16-bit program to dump registers to screen.  Note mount instruction and chage dir instruction before executing the program.