Two versions of hello world appear below, both print the message char by char
in slightly different ways
Version 1

The first version uses a DOS interrupt function ah=2 to print a char, a loop, and array access of memory

   .STACK 100
    Message db 'Hello, world',0

   s tart:
   mov  ax,@data
   mov  ds,ax                       ;set DS to point to the data segment
   mov  ah,2                        ;DOS print char function
   xor bx,bx
  top: Mov dl , message[bx] < BR>   cmp dl,0
    Je alldone
   int  21h                         ;display chars
   Inc bx
   Jmp top
   mov  ax,04c00h                      ;DOS terminate program functio n
   int  21h                         ;terminate the program
   END     start

Version 2 Second version uses something like array addressing. The register BX can be used to point at memory as can SI, DI, BP.  [BX] means "contents of location pointed to by BX", ie. address dereferencing.  byte ptr [bx] means "get the byte at the address where bx points" (as opposed to the word, the double word, etc).

    ;;version 2
   .STACK 100
    Message db 'Hello, world',0

   mov  ax,@data
   mov  ds,ax         &nb sp;             ;set DS to point to the data segment
   mov  ah,2                        ;DOS print char function
  Mov bx, offset message
  top: Mov dl , byte ptr[bx]
   cmp dl,0
    Je alldone
   int  21h     &nbs p;                   ;display chars
   Inc bx
   Jmp top
   mov  ax,04c00h                      ;DOS terminate program function
   int  21h               &n bsp;         ;terminate the program
   END     start