You would need to include or add a stack directive. 

;;comments start with semi colons:
;;this longwinded program prints good morning or good afternoon


Timepromt db ‘is it afternoon?(y/n)$’

GoodMorningMessage  LABEL  BYTE
   DB  13,10,'Good morning, world!',13,10,'$'
Go odAfternoonMessage  LABEL  BYTE
   DB  13,10,'Good afternoon, world!',13,10,'$'
   main proc near
   mov  ax,@data
   mov  ds,ax                                ;set DS to point to the data segment
   mov  dx,OFFSET TimePrompt                ;point to the time prompt
   mov  ah,9                                 ;DOS print string function #
   int  21h                 &n bsp;                ;display the time prompt
   mov  ah,1                                 ;DOS get character function #
   int  21h                 &n bsp;                ;get a single-character response
   cmp  al,'y'                               ;typed lowercase y for after noon?
   jz   IsAfternoon              &nbs p;           ;yes, it's after noon
   cmp  al,'Y'                               ;typed uppercase Y for after noon?
   jnz  IsMorning                             ;no, it's before noon
   mov  dx,OFFSET GoodAfternoonMessage       ;point to the afternoon greeting
   jmp  DisplayGreeting
   mov  dx,OFFSET GoodMorningMessage         ;point to the before noon greeting
   mov  ah,9          &n bsp;                      ;DOS print string function #
   int  21h                                  ;display the appropriate greeting
   mov  ax,4c00h        &nbs p;                      ;DOS terminate program function #
   int  21h                                  ;terminate the program
   main endp
   end main