CSCI 231-01 CRN 214
Assembly Language Programming
(for Intel processors) Syllabus
Fall 2009
Instructor: Dennis Higgins
Text Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers, Kip Irvine, PH, 4th
or 5th Ed (4th edition has assembler on the CD)
Phone: X3552 Office: F239
Meeting times: MWF 8am F300
Office Hours: MWF 11am-noon
Prerequisites: CSCI 116 and CSCI 201 or permission.
Grading policy: Your grade will be computed as 60%
projects + 30% exams + 10% participation.
There will be a 100 point midterm and a 100 point final exam. You
will have a final project as well. Programs must meet specifications and be
submitted on time to receive full credit. Late HW
will receive diminished credit up to 1 week late, (5 school days), after which
it will not be accepted.
Exam dates for Fall 20009 TBA
First in class exam:
Second exam:
Final exam as scheduled
Catalog description: Introduction to computer structure and machine language coding. Assembly level programming on a specific computer. Topics include: data representation, addressing techniques, macros, file I/O, program segmentation and linkage, assembler construction.
Course goals/objectives: Successful students in this course will be capable 8086 Macro-Assembly language programmers at the end of the semester. Students will learn the registers, some architecture and memory management, segmentation, the 8086 instruction set, macro-writing, procedures, include files, mouse control. Optional topics include assembly modules callable from C and C functions callable from assembly, DOS and BIOS interrupts, device drivers, text and med/high resolution graphics.
Format: This is a programming course in assembly language. Students will write 6 to 8 assembly language projects exploring the speed, power and flexibility of a macro-assembly language. Excepting final project, your program submissions will typically be posted (listing and screen-shot) on your homepage. In some instances, I may request hardcopy or ask to see the run. There are no make-up quizzes or exams. Our final exam has 2 parts: a 100-point 2nd mid-term exam, and a project. As always, (except for project 1 in this class which we will work on together somewhat in class) projects are individual effort, not team effort. See me if you need help. Programs will receive a 1-point deduction for each school day late, up to 5 days, after which they receive no credit. NOTE: My assistance on a given program will be provided up to due date, not after. All college policies regarding class attendance, comportment, and academic honesty apply.