Publisher 2007
Open up the Publisher 2007.
The starting page has a selection of popular publication types, Or
you can choose to open an old file (on the right hand panel).
New File
On your left-hand side, there is a drop down menu of various
Publication types. You can click on any one to open up many more
selections. Or you can just click on the shortcut selections that are
on the main screen.
Let's click on the ---- Flyer---it has a collection of newer and
classic designs---under these two categories---the publication has been
divided into several smaller categories (informational, special offer,
sales, event, fundraiser, announcement). Each category you have several
sample publications to choose from.
If you don't want to use the samples, you can always design your
own. The Blank publication is also available. You can specify the size
and page orientation (Portrait or Landscape).
Open an Old file
On the left hand panel, click on "Open from file", you can open new
file from hard drive/jump drive.
Create a Flyer
Click on Flyer----Classic designs----scroll down to "Special Offer"------Double click on the
publication "Capsules" to
select it.
The Flyer will be opened up on the main screen.
Task Pane show up on the left, click on the Color Schemes----pick
the color scheme of "Sapphire" replace the
original color.
Click on Font Scheme---to change font to "Civic".
Click on the box arrow to display a list of tear-offs.
Select the "contact information" from this list.
The click on Create to create a new
NOTE: You can decide if you want to keep the Task
pane on the left side of your screen.
If you don't want it , click on View----uncheck the Task Pane to
stop it from displaying.
Editing the Publication
Entering Text
There are many text boxes on the page layout. Within text box you
can edit text, make changes.
Please edit the text using your textbook, p.19.
To select all of the text in a story,
use Ctrl + A.
If you can't see the smaller text on the page layout, use function
key F9, or
You can use the zoom in and zoom out shortcut button on top of the
screen, Or
You can also right click on the object and select the desired
Publisher automatically wrap the paragraph for you, so DO NOT PRESS ENTER when typing your paragraph.
Press enter key only when you want to
(a) Insert blank lines in a text box.
(b) Begin a new paragraph.
(c) To terminate a short line of text and advanced to the next
Enter Tear-off Text
Click the tear-off text boxes and type in new text.
Click outside of the textbox to
synchronize the other tear-offs.
Delete an Object
If you want to delete a text box or other objects on a page. You
need to first "select" the object.
Click on the logo to select it (which is located on top of the
page, to the right)
you can press the Delete button or you can right click and select
"delete object".
Checking Spelling
If you write a story or a long paragraph, you can use the Check
spelling option.
To do a Spell-Check-----click on Tool-----Spelling.
Or you can take advantage the AutoCorrect
Options----Tool-----AutoCorrect Options----it will automatically
correct your missed spelled words.
Select and Replace Multiple Placeholder Text Items
Shift-click the text------the text has been selected.
Hold Ctrl key down --------Select the multiple items
Using Graphics
Bring back Task Pane, (View----task pane), make sure
you select the picture placeholder, first.
Click on top (Format Publication), to display the
drop down menu, Select the Clip Art task pane.
Or you can right click on the picture---change
We want to find a picture with a theme of
"photography", so type in "photography" and click on "GO"
Select the clipart and the old picture has been
replaced by the clipart..
Changing the Publication Properties
File----Properties---enter info on p.39.
Save the new Publication
Editing an Existing File
Open and file, if you don't already have it opened..
Delete the Tear-off text box.
Insert a new Text Box-----Insert----Text box----Drag a rectangle to
cover the vacated area.
You can see the size (Width & Height display )on the bottom
right corner of the screen.
Type in the email address.
Insert a HyperLink
Highlight the email address-----Right
click----HyperLink----Email-----enter Subject
Subject: "Student Work Job Web Flyer Inquiry"
Save the file in a new name
Create a Webpage from a Publication
It's 3-step process
- Running the Design Checker: Tool----Design Checker----display the
design Checker task pane----If there's any problem. the problem will be
listed on the task pane.
- When there's no error, then you can close the design checker.
- Save the publication with a new File Name. It's a good practice
to save your work first before you convert the file into Web
- Converting the file: File---Convert to Web Publication----No, do not save my print.......etc------Next---No,
do not add...------Now you have a web-ready file.
- Please notice the title of your publication has change to "Web
- File---Publish it to the Web------ flyer01.htm (webpage
- Your webpublication should look like this......First publisher flyer
Assignment 5 Bookstore Flyer ---Textbook p. 63-64
(Submit the web address of the publication in the assignment dropbox.)