Publisher 2007 --Newsletter
Open up the Publisher 2007.
The starting page has a selection of popular publication types, Or
you can choose to open an old file (on the right hand panel).
New File
On your left-hand side, there is a drop down menu of various
Publication types. You can click on any one to open up many more
selections. Or you can just click on the shortcut selections that are
on the main screen.
Let's click on the ---- Newsletter---it has a collection of newer
and classic designs---click on the classic design---scroll
down----click on "Watermark".
Task Pane show up on the left, click on the Color Schemes----pick
the color scheme of "Tropics" replace the
original color.
Click on Font Scheme---to change font to "Foundry".
The click "Create" to create a new publication.
Editing the Publication
Format publication
Click the arrow on the top of the right hand column--format
publication tab
Select the "page options" from this list.
The click on mixed button to create a
new page column.
Click on 1, 2, and 3 to view the different effects.
Editing the Newsletter Template
There are many pages in the newsletter. See the bottom left corner
for page numbers.
Right click on the page icon and see your options.
Select the Delete page to delete the unnecessary pages (delete both
To select all of the text in a story,
use Ctrl + A.
Editing the Mast-head (title text box)
If you can't see the smaller text on the page layout, use function
key F9, or
You can use the zoom in and zoom out shortcut button on top of the
screen, Or
You can also right click on the object and select the desired
Type: p.86, Communiquarium..etc.
Before we move forward, please download
student files first. You will need files for Chapter 2.
Content editing
Click on the story below the headline.
Click on Insert---Text file----find the student files named
"Riverside Aquarium Opens Its Door".
Add more text into the secondary
boxes.---autoflow----yes, autoflow to this box---no, autoflow to this
box, Yes. (make sure you are selecting the correct box).
Continue editing the text box titles.
Format Text Box
Page 1,
Double click on the bottom right text box, the format text box
dialogue will show.
Click on text box tag, select the -----Include "Continue on
page..." check box.
For Page 2,
Select the lower-left text box, Click on text box tag, select the
-----Include "Continue from page..." check box.
Edit a Story P.98
Select the text box first.
Edit-------Edit Story in Word-----Type in the
text-----you can copy the paragrph here.
If you enjoy Riverside Aquarium, and have yet to become a member,
you are missing out on an incredible deal. Aquarium membership allows
year-round admission to Riverside and to more than 100 other U.S. zoos
and aquariums. A family of four can enjoy the aquarium all year for
only $50. In addition, members receive a 10 percent discount on
programs and purchases from the gift shop. Each membership helps
support Riverside Aquarium’s education programs and activities.
To become a member, or to send a gift membership to someone special,
visit our Web site at or call (850) 555-FISH.
Continue to follow the text for further editing. p. 101-103.
Save your work.
Replace graphic and edit the caption
Click on the picture in the center of the p.1, right
click----change picture----from file------Use "Aquarium" from your
student files.
Insert a clipart----Insert-----Picture-----Clip Art-----rearch for
a "dolphin"clipart.
Resize the clicp art to 2.5 inches---click and drag..
Edit the side bar
Zoom in, enter new text, you can copy them here.
Riverside has...
- Later hours on weekends
- Special rates for school groups
- Discounts for senior citizens
- Adopt-a-sea-creature programs
- Petting tanks
- And much more!
Delete the sidebar below.
Insert an Object from the Design Galery
Pull Quote
Insert----Design Gelergy Object-----Pull
Quote-----Voyage-----Edit the rest of the Pull quote p. 118---121.
More editing
Triple -click the paragraph in the center text box, starts with
"The board of...." Move it to the first text box second paragraph.
Insert page number .
Insert----page number----bottom ----center.
Checking Spelling
If you write a story or a long paragraph, you can use the Check
spelling option.
To do a Spell-Check-----click on Tool-----Spelling.
Or you can take advantage the AutoCorrect
Options----Tool-----AutoCorrect Options----it will automatically
correct your missed spelled words.
Creating a Template:
Click on the Publisher Tasks button on the
top-left corner of your screen.
Under Following up------ click on Save for
Reuse-----Save as a template---------name the file. Edit it using
instruction on p. 132-133.
Create a Webpage from a Publication
It's 3-step process
- Running the Design Checker: Tool----Design Checker----display
the design Checker task pane----If there's any problem. the problem
will be listed on the task pane.
- When there's no error, then you can close the design checker.
- Save the publication with a new File Name. It's a good practice
to save your work first before you convert the file into Web
- Converting the file: File---Convert to Web Publication----No, do not save my print.......etc------Next---Yes, add a navigation bar.------Now
you have a web-ready file.
- Make sure you change the text on the Navigation Bar to reflect
the page content.
- Please notice the title of your publication has change to "Web
- File---Publish it to the Web---- Save the file on your W drive
as ----newsletter01.htm (webpage filtered).
- Your webpublication should look like this......Newsletter