About Me!
Contact Me
Alexander R. Thomas, Ph.D. |
Email: thomasa@oneonta.edu |
Department of Sociology |
Phone: (607) 436-2149 |
Department Phone: (607) 436-3512 |
Oneonta, N. Y. 13820 |
Fax: (607) 436-3525 |
Ph.D. in Sociology,
Northeastern University, 1998 |
M.A. in Sociology, Northeastern University, 1993 |
B.A. in History, |
B.A. in Sociology, |
SUNY Research Foundation Award for Research & Scholarship, 2007 |
Susan Sutton Smith Award for Academic Excellence, 2007 |
Ford Grant: Research on Sprawl in
the Catskills, 2006 |
Who’s Who among American
Teachers, 2005 |
Who’s Who among American
Teachers, 2004 |
Ford Grant: Research on Schoharie
Reservoir, 2002 |
Chair, Department of Sociology, 2002-Present |
Coordinator, Center for Social Science Research, 2000-2003 |
Upstate Down, forthcoming from UPA (with
Polly Smith) |
Gilboa, Rowman &
Littlefield, 2005 |
In Gotham’s
Shadow, SUNY Press, 2003 |
Spotlight on Social Research, Allyn &
Bacon, 2002 |
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