Ryan Hughson asked to see a few photos from past trips.

This was the trip from Delhi to Montreal - where plans had to change when an American Indian protest closed a ferry that we planned to take. We hadn't been reading the newspapers too much and I happened to find out about the problem by using some of my 8th grade French with a family vacationing in the states.

I see Kim, Ilene, Jeff, Bicycle Bob, Shannon, Brian, Laura, Ryan and James. Which makes me wonder was taking the photo. It was Jeanne Seely. Now married and known as Jeanne Seely Cherniak and mother of two fine boys, Xavier and Teddy.

The bikes deserve a photo of their own - they carried us and all our stuff!

There's Ryan at rest.

Remember that song you guys sang?

Ain't it great to be crazy?

Ain't it great to be nuts?

Ba da ba dah dah

That was taken on this dreary rainy day when we stopped to have hot chocolate and those French Fries in gravy - sometimes with cheese that they have in that part of French Canada

And here's Ryan rolling along - pretty serious about it, too - must have been morning or something?

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