4H Camp Shankitunk

Bike Trip Reunion - October 5th 1997

Neat that you could stop by!
The long awaited and talked about bike trip reunion finally took place. The Reunion
arranged to coincide with the 4th Annual  Ricky Pit Parisian Memorial Pit Run .
Nine cyclists of a possible total of 19 showed up. In that number one, Josh, found
the strength and energy to do the 10K Pit Run. That was Josh's first attempt at
anything over 4 miles and he did the 6.2 miles in great fashion finishing about
20 seconds ahead of bike trip leader, Bicycle Bob Thomas whose time was
just under one hour.
Check out the results for our run in 1997, Josh finished 458th
and I finished 466th.
The run was followed by a chicken barbecue and then a bike ride up Hawk Mountain
to the Audubon Society sanctuary. It is not a long ride, only about 3.6 miles from
the start and finish of the Pit Run finish line in Oneonta's Neahwa Park, but what a
view. The five returning cyclists and the three adults who accompanied them were
treated to a wonderful view of the Susquehanna Valley with the autumn leaves at
peak color. Next year we will try to have more cyclists back!
Image of cyclists taking a break atop Hawk Mountain.
Taking a break atop Hawk Mountain. It was a steep climb!
Image of runners after the race
This site is under construction, the last day with the hardhat on was October 2, 1998. Please report any bugs or errors to the author:
Mr. Mike scans for raptors.
Bob Thomas