4H Camp Shankitunk

Bike Trip Reunion - October 4th 1998

Here's Seth pinning his race number to his shirt.  His new bike is leaning against
the fence.  I guess I should get more bikes into these photos!
Great weather this year, but fewer people!
 The Reunion was arranged to coincide with the 5th Annual
 Ricky Pit Parisian Memorial Pit Run .
Three cyclists from the '98 Novice Trip showed up -
Psycho Seth,
Mailin' Kalyn
Buena Alaina,
Megan Porter
a cyclist who has been on trips in '93, '94, '95, and '97.
Alaina and Kalyn did the Two Mile Stroll and got their lunch to go.  They
walked at least some of the stroll with
Mister Mike Porter, co-leader on both '98 trips and
Becki Porter, wife to Mike and mother to Megan
Megan, Seth and I did the Pit Run.
Megan and I at the Finish Line.
What a welcome sight that line is at the end of the race.
Finishers of this year's race.
Check out the results for our run in 1998, Megan finished 418th
Bob finished 419th and Seth 520th.
The run was followed by a chicken barbecue and then a bike ride up Hawk Mountain
to the Audubon Society sanctuary. It is not a long ride, only about 3.6 miles from
the start and finish of the Pit Run finish line in Oneonta's Neahwa Park, but what a
Looking toward Oneonta from the Sanctuary
The views from the sanctuary were good, but the leaves still have a little ways to go before they reach peak color.
We enjoyed the sunshine and the view after pedaling up the 760' hill to Hawk Mountain.
While up on the mountain we met a group of wildlife management students from SUNY Cobleskill.  They had spent the afternoon luring in hawks and banding them before releasing them into the wild.  The banders all wore camouflage and duxback type clothes.  We cyclists tended more toward lycra sometimes with a doofy shirt thrown on top for warmth, a contrast that was interesting to one of our photographers.
If you are interested in seeing the page about the 1997 bike trip reunion never fear.
It is still online!
Please report any bugs or errors to the author:
Bob Thomas