CHEMISTRY 112                                                          SECTION 1                  

William Vining                                                            Spring 2020                                                                

Links to Materials

Laboratory Materials


March 23, 2020 Lecture



Blank PPT


Annotated Lecture PPT

All Video Solutions


Chapter 11: Liquids

Sections 11.1-3

Sections 11.4-5

Sections 11.1-3

Sections 11.4-5

Sample Annotated Slides

Class lecture:

Jan 24, 2020

Chapter 12: Solids

Sections 12.1-2

Section 12.3

Section 12.4

Section 12.5

Sections 12.1-2

Section 12.3

Section 12.4

Section 12.5


Chapter 13: Solutions and Mixtures

Section 13.1

Sections 13.2-3inclass

Section 13.4

Section 13.5


Section 13.1

Section 13.4

IMF Concept Review


Class lecture:

Feb 14, 2020


Conductivity Lab Excel

Chapter 14: Kinetics

Sections 14.1-2

Sections 14-3 and 14.4

Section 14.5

Section 14.6

Sections 14.1-2

Sections 14.3-4

Section 14.5

Section 14.6

Plotting Kinetic Data with Excel

Class lecture:

Feb 21, 2020

Chapter 15: Equilibria

Sections 15.1-2


Section 15.3

(class example)

Section 15.4

Section 15.4 Lecture Makeup

Sections 15.1-2

Section 15.1c Isotopic labeling

Section 15.3

Section 15.4

Section 15.4 Lecture Makeup

Chapter 16: Acid-Base Equilibria

Sections 16.1-2

Chapter 16.3-6

Sections 16.1-2

Sections 16.3-6


Chapter 17: Buffers and Titrations

Sections 17.1-2

Sections 17.3-4


Sections 17.1-2

Sections 17.3-4


Acid-Base Titration Calculations:

17.3: Strong Acid-Strong Base Titration

17.3: Weak Acid-Strong Base Titration

17.3: Weak Base Strong Acid Titration

Buffer pH/pH Titration

pH Titration/Alpha Plot

Alpha Plots/Prep. Buffer

Chapter 17

Chapter 18: Solubility Equilibria

Sections 18.1-2

Sections 18.1-2

Section 18.1-2

Section 18.3

Chapter 19: Thermodynamics and Equilibria

Chapter 19.1-3

Section 19.3: Free Energy and Equilibria

Sections 19.1-2

Section 19.3

Section 19.3: Free Energy and Equilibria


Chapter 20: Electrochemistry


Section 20.1

CHEM 111 Review

PPT slides

Recording Part 1

Recording Part 2



Equation Solver: Wolfram Alpha

Example to try: (0.0768+x)/((.03-x)(.0232-x))=142    solve for x


Plotting kinetics data with Excel


   Exam Things:

            Exam 1 Answer Key

            Exam 2 Topics

Exam 2 Practice Exam (word)

            Exam 2 Practice Exam (pdf)
         Exam 2 Practice Answers (text, ppt)

            Exam 2 Practice Answers (video recording)

            Exam 3 Topics

            Exam 3 Practice Exam

            Exam 3 Practice Answers (text, ppt)

            Exam 3 Practice Answers (video recording)


            Exam 2 Answer key

            Exam 3 Answer key


            Exam 1 2018 Answer Key       

            Exam 2 2018 Answer Key

Exam 3 2018 Answer Key

Exam 4 2018 Answer Key






PHET Simulations

            Molecular Polarity

            States of Matter Basics

            States of Matter


Laboratory Technique Videos


  Special Lecture Recordings

Determining Delta H of Vaporization from Vapor Pressure and Temperature



Other Downloads

         Periodic Table

         Review: Orbitals and Electron Configurations

         Review: Periodic Properties of the Elements




         Chapter 8 Review

         Covalent and Ionic Bonding

         Valence Electrons and Lewis Structures

         How to Draw Lewis Structures

         Trends in Properties of Bonds

         Resonance, Oxidation Numbers and Formal Charge

         Lewis Structure Examples

         Valence Electrons and Molecular Structure

         Molecular Structures

         How to Determine Molecular Structure

         Table of Molecular Structures

         Model Building Worksheet (for Plastic Models)

Molecular Structure and Polarity


         Chapter 9 Review

         Valence Bond Theory: Handout 1

Hybrid Orbitals Handout

Hybrid Orbitals and Pi Bonding

Hybrid Orbitals: Expanded Valence

Molecular Orbitals Handout

Another Molecular Orbitals Handout

Band Theory Handout


Chapter 10 Review

Gas Laws Handout

Gas Law Examples

Kinetic Molecular Theory Handout


Chapter 18 Entropy and Free Energy

Entropy Handout

Thermo Data Tables for Class


Chapter 11 IMFs, Liquids and Solids

Band Theory and Metallic Bonding


Compounds and IMFs

Hydrogen Bonding


Chapter 12 Solids


Unit Cell Types

Unit Cells and Compound Formulas


Chapter 13 Solutions

Factors Affecting Solubility

Water and Oil

Soap Movie

Protein Folding



Chapter 14 Kinetics

Rate Laws and Concentration-Time Equations

Determining Rate Laws: Initial Rates

Graphical Method for Finding a Rate Law

Concentration-Time Relationships


Arrhenius Equation

Reaction Coordinate Diagrams

Reaction Mechanism Examples

More Reaction Mechanism Examples

Bleaching of Green Food Dye


Chapter 15 Equilibrium
Equilibrium Handout 1: Microscopic Reversibility

Equilibrium Handout 2: Equilibrium Constant Expressions

Equilibrium Handout 3: Concentration-Time Curves and K

LeChatelier’s Principle


Chapter 16 Acid-Base Chemistry I

Acid-Base Equilibria

Acid-Base Examples

Acid-Base Table/Acid Strength and Molecular Structure

Lewis Acids and Bases


Chapter 17 Acid-Base Chemistry II

Titration Curves and Alpha Plots

Acid-Base States of Glycine

Buffer Solutions

Buffer pH


Chapter 18 Solubility and Complexation Equilibria

Solubility and Complexation Equilibira Examples



Spectroscopy Materials

IR/NMR Website        

         IR Table and Spectra

Mass Spectra Examples

NMR Table and Spectra