Interactive Multimedia Modules for Chemistry


Produced by    William J. Vining                                Cow Town Productions, Inc.

                        Department of Chemistry       and      Amherst, MA  01003

                        SUNY College at Oneonta

                        Oneonta, NY  13820


NOTE: These modules require the Shockwave

plugin, which can be found here.


Mass Spectrometer


Formation of an Ionic Compound


Electrolysis of Water: Stoichiometry


Electrolysis of Water: Nanoscale vs. Bulk Scale


Precipitation of AgCl


Metal Activity Series


Photoelectric Effect


Bond Energies and Enthalpy Change


Hybrid Orbital Formation: sp


Hybrid Orbital Formation: sp2


Hybrid Orbital Formation: sp3


Distribution of Molecular Speeds


Phase Diagrams


The NaCl Crystal Lattice


Geiger Counter


Sulfur Allotropes


Acid-Base Conjugate Pairs


Addition Polymerization


Atomic Line Spectra

Atomic Size


Atomic Subshell Energies


Autoionization of Water


Avogadros Law


Balancing Chemical_Equations




Bond Length and Energy


Bonding and Antibonding Orbitals


Born-Haber Cycle


Boyle’s Law


Bronsted Acid-Base Reactions


Carbon Dioxide as a Lewis Acid


Catalytic Decomposition of H2O2


Charles’s Law


Chemical Change


Chemical Change on the Nanoscale


Chemical Equations


Chemical Hot Packs


Chemical Periodicity


Common Ion Effect in Precipitation Reactions


Concentration Dependence of Cell Potentials


Concentration Dependence of Reaction Rates


Conduction of Molten Ionic Compounds


Conversion of PbCl2 to PbCrO4


Crushed Can Experiment


Crystal Lattice Formation from Unit Cells


Detecting Acid-Base Reactions


Determining an Empirical Formula


Dipole-Induced Dipole Forces


Dissolution of KMnO4


Dissolution of NH4NO3


Effect of Temperature on NO2/N2O4 Equilibrium


Effect of Volume Changes on NO2/N­2O4 Equilibrium


Effect of Concentration Changes on Buthane/Isobutane Equilibrium


Electrolysis of Water


Electron Configurations and Periodic Blocks


Electron Spin and Magnetic Fields


Elements Used in the Space Shuttle


Energetics of Mixing Liquids


Energetics of Dissolution of KF


Energy Transfer


Entropy Changes: Reaction of H2 and O2


Fabric Softener and Intermolecular Forces


Formation of a Band of Molecular Orbitals


Formation of Ionic Compounds


Formation of a Molecular Solid from Fullerene Molecules


Free Energy Changes in the NO2/N2O4 System


Heat and Work


Henry’s Law: The Diet Coke Video


Hund’s Rule


Ideal Electron Repulsion Shapes


Induced Dipoles in Neighboring I2 Molecules


Interatomic Electrostatic Interactions


Ion Formation


Ionic Compound Formation


Ionization Energy


Isotopic Labeling


Law of Conservation of Matter


Lead Storage Battery


LeChatelier’s Principal: Water Tanks


Lewis Acids and Bases


Like Dissolves Like: Water, Iodine, and Carbontetrachloride


Limiting Reactants


Limiting Reactants: Reaction between Zn and HCl


Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant


Matter and Energy Dispersal


Mechanism of Ozone Decomposition


Mechanism of Reaction Between NO2 and CO


Mechanism of an SN1 Reaction


Mechanism of an SN2 Reaction


Molecular Orbital Diagrams




Osmotic Pressure


Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen


Periodic Table


Buffer Solutions: pH Changes Upon Added HCl


Phase Diagrams


Polyesters Formation


Precipitation Reaction Between Pb2+ and I-


Preparation of Solution Dilution


Preparation of Solution by Direct Addition


Properties of Ionic Compounds


Reaction between Al and O2


Reaction Between Co2+ with a Base and an Acid


Redox Reaction Between MnO4- and Fe2+


Redox Reaction Between Mg and HCl


Rusting of Iron


Separation of Mixtures


Shapes of Atomic Orbitals


Shells, Subshells, and Orbitals


Sigma and Pi Bonding


Sigma and Pi Bonding in Allene and Benzene


Sigma and Pi Bonding in Ethene


Reaction Between Silver Ion and Copper


Simultaneous Equilibria: Dissolution of AgCl via Addition of NH3


Solution Stoichiometry: Reaction Between MnO4- and Fe2+


Strong, Weak, and Non-Electrolytes


Interaction Between Surfactants, Oil, and Water


Temperature Dependence of an Equilibrium: Cobalt Chloride


Temperature on the Nanoscale


Thermal Energy Transfer


Thermal Energy Transfer on the Molecular Scale




Trends in Entropy


Separations Based on Solubility: Pb2+, Ag+, and Cu2+


Voltaic Electrochemical Cells


Weight Relations in Chemical Reactions


Heating Curves