Dr. Walter vom SaalBrief summary of vita• retired in 2007 as Professor of Psychology at State University of New York College at Oneonta. • taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels at Princeton University, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, and State University of New York. Current courses include General Psychology, Research Methods, Psychology of Human Sexuality, and Psychology of Adulthood and Aging. • served as academic vice president at SUNY Oneonta in the State University of New York system. • served as interim college president at SUNY Plattsburgh in the State University of New York system. • has been a licensed psychologist who has done individual therapy and has led numerous workshops and personal growth and training groups. • has received federal grants from National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Mental Health to conduct research, with numerous conference presentations, papers, and journal publications. • has received honors including BA degree summa cum laude from Columbia University, membership in Phi Beta Kappa and other honorary societies, selection to national Who's Who listings, and two state-wide Commonwealth of Pennsylvania teaching awards. • was co-author of the book Life After Work: Six Retirement Stories that can Change Your Life, published in 2007. |