Symptoms of tension and stress
Walter vom Saal
The following are symptoms that have been identified by participants in my Stress and Tension Reduction workshops. They are divided into three categories:
A. short term physical
B. long term physical (physiological)
C. behavior change
A. short term physical effects |
1) headache 2) stomach ache 3) exhaustion 4) facial tension 5) muscle tension 6) hyperventilation 7) diarrhea 8) dry mouth 9) nausea |
10) tingling 11) weight loss 12) butterflies in stomach 13) hands sweat 14) flushing 15) blood pressure rise 16) heart rate rise 17) G.S.R. change 18) tremors |
19) perspiration |
B. long term physical
(physiological) effects |
28) infections 29) lower immunity 30) acne 31) heart attack 32) asthma 33) nervous breakdown |
34) ulcers 35) hives 36) migraine headache 37) hypertension 38) colitis 39) tension headache |
40) amenorrhea (no menstruation) 41) impotence 42) alopecia (hair loss) 43) stroke(?) 44) anxiety disorder |
C. behavior change effects |
48) sleep pattern 49) more sleep 50) less sleep 51) eating patterns 52) eat more 53) eat less 54) nervous laugh 55) stuttering 56) withdrawal |
57) alcohol abuse 58) cigarettes 59) child abuse 60) fatigue 61) apathy 62) low performance 63) uneven speech 64) rapid speech 65) no concentration |
66) depression 67) crying 68) nervous laughter 69) yelling 70) no sex interest 71) suicide 72) nervous habits: bite nails, crack knuckles, pull hair, twirl hair, etc. |
Other possible categories of effects: | ||
D. Emotional effects |
E. Spiritual effects |