Stress Reduction Tactics

Walter vom Saal

The following are possible ways for handling or reducing stress that have been identified by participants in my Stress and Tension Reduction workshops.


1. They are listed in no particular order.

2. These are possible tactics raised for discussion in previous workshops. Not all are recommended!!!

Possible ways to reduce tension and stress
1) relax
2) socialize
3) be with others
4) write a letter
5) write in a journal
6) talk with someone
7) play sports
8) exercise
9) sing
10) procrastinate
11) listen to music
12) play video games
13) get away
14) skip classes
15) find a job
16) watch TV
17) make lists
18) cry
19) complain
20) break things
21) shop
22) eat
23) have sex
24) take a drive
25) keep trying
26) obsess
27) play with a pet
28) religious faith
29) physical release
30) get organized
31) use hobbies
32) physical contact
33) hugs
34) prayer
35) re-prioritize
36) re-frame
37) masturbate
38) sleep
39) distract yourself
40) use alcohol
41) cigarettes
42) coffee
43) medication
44) Valium
45) Prozac
46) fantasize
47) daydream
48) pamper yourself
49) don't dwell on it
50) deal with the problem

51) take a bath
52) find someone else worse off
53) read to escape
54) call a friend and ventilate
55) deny the situation
56) get a back rub
57) be able to say no
58) talk to the person who caused it
59) take time for yourself
60) don't try to please everyone
61) one day at a time
62) accomplish something
63) budget your time
64) time management
65) soak in a hot tub
66) don't personalize comments
67) find out more about it
68) be non-judgmental: your way is not the only way.
69) set realistic goals; accept your limitations.
70) distinguish between urgent and important.
71) partialize: split the task into small units, then do the first one
72) maintain perspective: how important is this really?
73) list what you can control and what you can't.
74) seek counseling or professional help.