Event Attendance Report
Course: _______ Section:___ Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________
[submit this form after attending an event for credit in one of Dr. vom Saal’s courses. You may not submit the same event for credit in two different courses.]
(Note: You may fill in this form by printing it and writing on it directly, or you may use a word processor (use Edit, Select All, Copy, then open a new document in your word processor and use Edit, Paste Special, Unformatted Text, then save the document, then edit it and insert text).
Date of event: ____________ Place of event: ___________________________
Title of event: __________________________________________________________
Name of main speaker or presenter: ________________________________________
Give your comments and reactions below. Include: general description; strengths and weaknesses of the presentation; how this related to the course (or not); what you learned; your reactions; your analysis and commentary on the material presented; any insights, realizations, new awareness; any other comments you care to make. This is NOT required to be a comprehensive paper. The point of this paper is to show that you attended the event and thought about it. One or two handwritten pages (or both sides of this page) is adequate.