Website assignments. Updated 11/28/05 based on previous class discussion.
Each student is responsible for submitting a set of suggestions for expanding and improving the SUNY Oneonta Psychology Careers website. Note that even though your submissions may relate to your group presentation, this is an INDIVIDUAL assignment and is to be submitted separately and individually be each student.
For each set of suggestions you submit, first look at the psychology careers
website that is under construction, as it now exists. The existing website
is at
There is a link to it from my home page and also from the course home page.
For reference, you also may wish to look at the original version of the Psychology
Careers website. The original version is at
There is also a link to this one from the course home page.
The material you submit must be in the following format:
Look at the present website and make comments, suggestions, and revisions regarding the area or areas of the website that relates to the topic you are working on in your first group. Send your comments and suggested revisions or additions by e-mail to the contact person assigned to you.
(1) A paragraph before your material to let us know where you believe the information should be placed;
(2) A set of information and materials that you suggest should be added to the website. This can be variations on the materials you have presented to the class, and/or any other information or material you believe would be appropriate to add to the website. Make sure you include relevant references and resources. All references must be complete APA citations. Each reference should be accompanied by a brief description.
(3) THIS SET OF MATERIALS MUST INCLUDE MATERIALS ON AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENT TOPIC AREAS. For many of you, you will choose to use the topic areas on which you made group presentations. The materials may be related to the materials you have gathered or prepared for your presentations. However, you also may choose to submit materials on other topics. If you are submitting materials on topic areas other than the one you used for your group presentation, please contact me first.
(4) Note that it is particularly important that we NOT put material on the website that is taken from somewhere else without giving a full attribution to the original source. You MUST include a statement on each item submitted that either identifies the source or says that you wrote it (for example, include at the top or bottom of your material a phrase such as “prepared by [your name]. To use material taken from other sources may be acceptable, as long as it does not violate copyright restrictions, but it is NEVER acceptable to use it without citing the source. Using material without attribution (that means, without citing the source) is plagiarism.
(5) The material must be presented in the form that it can be placed on the website. Please do not send PowerPoint presentations for this assignment. We want you to send us your information in a text format so that it can be placed on the website as is.
(6) Also submit a set of any other comments, opinions, or suggestions for how to improve the website.
(7) If you wish to send your group or individual PowerPoint directly to Dr. vom Saal, he will also place it on the website for use by other students now and in the future.
(8) Submit the material to Dr. vom Saal as an e-mail attachment. Also submit
it at the same time to MaryLou Bruns.
Dr. vom Saal:
MaryLou Bruns:
(9) Be sure the SUBJECT line in your e-mail says "Psyc 202 website assignment."
(10) The assignment is due Tuesday, 11/29/05.
updated 11/28/05