Psychology Careers Seminar
Possible questions for a visit to a job site and the related interview
How do I get a job in this field?
- Is a specific degree required? Is an advanced degree required?
- Is any specific experience required?
- First step to getting a job?
- Any special advice you have?
Tell me about your job:
- What is your official job title?
- What are the basic responsibilities of this job?
- Describe a typical day in your job. (Are most days the same?)
- Do you like your job? (Are you happy with your career choice?)
- What do you like best? (What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?)
- What do you like least? (What is the least rewarding aspect of your job? The most difficult aspect?)
- What factors led you to choose this career?
- How did you go about finding this job and applying for it?
- Looking back now, would you have done anything differently?
- What interactions with other professionals are required as part of this job?
What was your schooling and training?
- Describe your school experience and other related experience.
- Your undergrad major?
- Other experiences such as internships?
- Other education? What schools? What degrees? How long did it take you? Finances??
- Job experience(s)?
- Internship or volunteer experience(s)?
- Which of these was most valuable?
What skills or experience are important for this field?
Any suggestions for me about getting into this field?
- What are the necessary steps? What is the application process?
- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make myself stand out?
- What is one thing you would advise people interested in getting into this career to do?
Describe the facility. SEE SEPARATE HANDOUT ON THIS.
Describe the social setting of the job.
- Formal and informal interactions with people?
- Is it a pleasant place to work?
updated 11/30/05