Psychology Careers Seminar
Outline of required report on job site visit(s), interview(s), and shadowing
NOTE: this is a combined report that describes (a) your job site visit and interview, and (b) your shadowing experience.
Due dates:
11/29/05 (Tuesday after break): one page of assignment or draft of assignment
to show you have started doing it. Ungraded.
12/1/05 (Thursday after break): completed assignment submitted for grading.
Expected length: 2-3 pages normally expected. You may wish to write more, but please do not exceed 5 typewritten pages. Use the following format unless you feel a different format would allow a better presentation of what you did, while still including all the information requested here. In either case, use numbered headings for different subsections of your report.
Outline of required report
1. Summary and overview. Begin with a brief overview (one short paragraph) that says what you did to complete both the job site visit and interview assignment, and the shadowing assignment.
2. Summary of interview and facility. One or two paragraphs. This should include the place, date, and time of the interview and/or site visit, and the contact information (name, title, telephone number) for the person or people you interviewed.
3. Summary of job site visit. Describe the job site visit in a few paragraphs.
4. Summary of interview. Describe the interview in a few paragraphs. You do not need to try to give a verbatim account of the interview (although you may quote one or two things that made a special impact on you, if you like).
5. What you learned from the job site visit and interview. Write
a couple of paragraphs on this. Include:
- a few things you liked about facility and/or job
- a few things you didn’t like
- a few things you learned from the interview about this job and/or about jobs
- some things you learned about yourself: strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes,
or other insights about yourself.
6. Overview of shadowing activity. One or two paragraphs. This should include the place, date, and time of the shadowing, and the contact information (name, title, telephone number) for the person or people you shadowed.
7. What I learned from the shadowing activity. Write a couple
of paragraphs on this. You may consider some of the same things I described
above for the first section of the report. For instance, you should include:
- some things you liked and some things you didn't like.
- a few things you learned from the interview about this job and/or about jobs
- some things you learned about yourself: strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes,
or other insights about yourself.
8. Other comments or observations, and concluding comments.
updated 11/29/05