Websites for Research Methods

Walter vom Saal

This is a preliminary list of websites relevant to the Research Methods course. If you have ideas for additional websites, please contact me. I do not check these websites on a regular basis, so it is possible that one or more of the links may no longer work. If that happens, please let me know.

1. correlation demo #1. Move a slider to change a correlation from –1 to + 1 and see how the scatter plot changes.

2. correlation demo #2. Similar to the one above, except that the best fitting straight line is also shown.

3. correlation demo #3. Put points on a scatter plot and watch the regression line and the correlation change. Also can erase points.

4. correlation quiz. A set of four scatter plots is shown and students must choose best option of correlation value for each plot. Click for answers, then click for a new set of scatter plots. NOTE: all students should try this and keep trying until you get them all right. One or more questions like this will be on the departmental core concept examination!

5. Statistical significance of correlations: Table of one-tailed probabilities (multiply by 2 for 2-tailed):

6. Statistical significance of correlations: enter the correlation coefficient and number of points, and this site computes the statistical significance. (Note: I've occasionally had to click on this link a couple of times to get it to work.)

7. What does p<.05 mean? A bunch of people take a stab at explaining what p<.05 means regarding a correlation coefficient:

8. Statistics links and resources. A huge set of information and links about statistics, including lots of on-line calculating pages:

9. General website:
then click on discipline resources. I tried it and there were only a couple of demos and I couldn’t get one of them to work (Muller-Lyer)

10. General website: This page leads to lots of material on psychology in general. It is described this way: "Psychology is cool at the links below! Check out fun interactive simulations and animations, catch up on the latest news in psychology, and participate in online workshops and labs."

