Interim grade report for Psyc 220. Posted 10/27/03.
The sheets below show grades for individual submissions, plus summaries and totals.
The QUIZ sheet shows the following:
1. The main set of columns show the quiz grades received.
2. The column second from the right shows the average quiz grade received AFTER the two lowest grades were excluded.
3. The right-most column shows the total points for quizzes so far out of the maximum 10 points. This is just the previous column multiplied by 10.
-----> NOTE that your total quiz grade out of 10 points may go up or down as further quizzes are taken, since your average quiz grade may go up and down.
The HOMEWORK sheet shows the following:
1. The first five columns show Individual homework grades for homework assignments # 2 through 6. (Homework #1 was not graded). Note that checks received 1 point each, a check-minus received 0.7 points, and a check-plus received 1.3 points.
2. the next column shows the average grade. The number displayed is rounded to one decimal point, but the actual number used for computations was not rounded.
3. The next column shows the total points of 8 possible points earned from homework based on the homework so far. This is just the average homework grade (previous column, but before any rounding that occurred) multiplied by 8.
4. The last column shows the same total, but capped at 8 points. Since some homework received check-plus grades, that meant a few students got more than the maximum available credit, so this column lowers the maximum to 8 points. When final grades are computed at the end of the semester, I will allow students who earn many plus grades to earn slightly more than the maximum 8 points, and therefore get a slight bonus that will be extra credit toward the overall course grade. However, I did not do that for this interim grade calculation.
-----> NOTE that your total homework grade out of 8 points may go up or down as further homework is assigned and graded, since your average homework grade may go up and down.
The SUMMARY sheet shows the following:
1. The Quiz grade out of 10.
2. The Homework grade out of 8.
3. The grade for APA paper #1 out of 6.
4. The total of these three grades as a percentage of the 24 points possible for this interim report.
5. The letter grade equivalent of that percentage based on the percentage - to - letter grade equivalents shown in the syllabus.
-----> NOTE that these letter grades are only VERY ROUGH APPROXIMATIONS. They are presented here to give you an idea of how you are doing. However, it is quite possible that they will not be closely related to the final course grade since so many additional course components will be added into the final course grade. (In essence, the course components computed so far are counting about four times as much as they will eventually count, since only about 1/4 of the total course requirements have been computed so far.)
6. Your interim grade submitted for the interim grade report. (In one case I believe I submitted a 3 when it should have been a 2 - the grade shown here is the 2 that should have been submitted).
7. The number of unexcused absences on record as of 10/16/03. These were not entered into the interim grade that was submitted, but they will affect the final course grade as described in the syllabus.