Homework #4 |
Title: | Using Excel: second try |
Date assigned: | Thu 9/11/03 |
Date due: | Thur 9/18/03 |
Minimum pages: | 3 |
Maximum pages: | 4 |
This is an expansion on the previous assignment.
1. Find the sample spreadsheet named "using Excel." For information on how to do this, see the previous assignment.
2. Create and print ONE bar or column chart of data in Data Set #1 using the instructions on the first sheet of the spreadsheet. Use Print Preview to be sure you are ONLY printing the ONE page that contains the chart.
3. Make a change in the left axis AND a change in the color of the bars, and print a SECOND page that contains that changed chart. Use Print Preview to be sure you are ONLY printing the ONE page that contains the chart.
4. Change the size, shape, and location of the chart. Label the axes. Add a title. Either add or remove or modify the grid lines. Print out this revision of the chart on a THIRD page. Use Print Preview to be sure you are ONLY printing the ONE page that contains the chart.
5. Staple all three pages together.
6. If you wish, you may hand-write on the charts some information about what you did, or any special explanations you would like. You also may include a cover page that explains what you did and/or any problems you had (and, maybe, how you solved them!)
7. Before submitting your work, be sure the TOP page has written on it the standard course heading.