Psyc 220, fall 2004
Final exam grades and overall course grades
Below are final course grades sorted by student code name.
For each student I have shown the individual points received for the third research paper. This is the group grade plus individual adjustments in several cases. In addition, I have shown the scores on multiple choice and essay components of the final exam, overall grade for the final exam, and overall grade for the course.
Overall course grades were determined in accordance with point values stated in the syllabus. Each student received 5 of 5 points for the oral report (a bit of a gift). Several students who submitted references from the homework to Heather or who submitted events attendance reports received a point of extra credit.
Code Name blue duck Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points.
Final exam multiple choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 8 of 10 points; essay
B = 7 points; final exam total = 54 of 70 points = 77.1 % = C+ . Overall course
grade = B+
Code Name blue frog Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 44 of 50 points; essay A = 9 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points;
final exam total = 58 of 70 points = 82.9 % = B- . Overall course grade = A-
Code Name Bob Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 3 of 10 points; essay B = 4 points; final
exam total = 46 of 70 points = 65.7 % = D . Overall course grade = B-
Code Name CBGB Research Paper #3 points = 16.50 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 34 of 50 points; essay A = 7 of 10 points; essay B = 0 points; final
exam total = 41 of 70 points = 58.6 % = E . Overall course grade = B
Code Name cheese Research Paper #3 points = 15.50 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 36 of 50 points; essay A = 7 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points; final
exam total = 48 of 70 points = 68.6 % = D+ . Overall course grade = B
Code Name cool cat Research Paper #3 points = 17.00 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 46 of 50 points; essay A = 10 of 10 points; essay B = 7 points;
final exam total = 63 of 70 points = 90.0 % = A- . Overall course grade = A
Code Name Criddy Research Paper #3 points = 13.50 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 43 of 50 points; essay A = 9 of 10 points; essay B = 6 points; final
exam total = 58 of 70 points = 82.9 % = B- . Overall course grade = A-
Code Name Elvis Research Paper #3 points = 16.50 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 50 of 50 points; essay A = 8 of 10 points; essay B = 8 points; final
exam total = 66 of 70 points = 94.3 % = A . Overall course grade = A
Code Name Gumbo Research Paper #3 points = 13.50 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 43 of 50 points; essay A = 3 of 10 points; essay B = 7 points; final
exam total = 53 of 70 points = 75.7 % = C . Overall course grade = B
Code Name KittyKat Research Paper #3 points = 15.50 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 6 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points;
final exam total = 50 of 70 points = 71.4 % = C- . Overall course grade = B
Code Name melishhus Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 42 of 50 points; essay A = 7 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points;
final exam total = 54 of 70 points = 77.1 % = C+ . Overall course grade = A-
Code Name noneyet Research Paper #3 points = 15.50 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 44 of 50 points; essay A = 7 of 10 points; essay B = 7 points;
final exam total = 58 of 70 points = 82.9 % = B- . Overall course grade = C+
Code Name Oren Research Paper #3 points = 15.20 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 5 of 10 points; essay B = 3 points; final
exam total = 47 of 70 points = 67.1 % = D+ . Overall course grade = B-
Code Name pink lady Research Paper #3 points = 16.50 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 38 of 50 points; essay A = 6 of 10 points; essay B = 1 points;
final exam total = 45 of 70 points = 64.3 % = D . Overall course grade = B+
Code Name purple mango Research Paper #3 points = 13.50 of 18 points. Final
exam multiple choice = 45 of 50 points; essay A = 8 of 10 points; essay B =
4 points; final exam total = 57 of 70 points = 81.4 % = B- . Overall course
grade = B
Code Name Purple turtle Research Paper #3 points = 17.00 of 18 points. Final
exam multiple choice = 48 of 50 points; essay A = 11 of 10 points; essay B =
2 points; final exam total = 61 of 70 points = 87.1 % = B+ . Overall course
grade = A
Code Name redpumps5 Research Paper #3 points = 12.50 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 32 of 50 points; essay A = 3 of 10 points; essay B = 4 points;
final exam total = 39 of 70 points = 55.7 % = E . Overall course grade = D-
Code Name Remy Research Paper #3 points = 9.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 45 of 50 points; essay A = 6 of 10 points; essay B = 9 points; final
exam total = 60 of 70 points = 85.7 % = B . Overall course grade = B-
Code Name Sancho Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 46 of 50 points; essay A = 8 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points; final
exam total = 59 of 70 points = 84.3 % = B . Overall course grade = A-
Code Name shell Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 47 of 50 points; essay A = 8 of 10 points; essay B = 7 points; final
exam total = 62 of 70 points = 88.6 % = B+ . Overall course grade = A-
Code Name space Research Paper #3 points = 12.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 40 of 50 points; essay A = 5 of 10 points; essay B = 5 points; final
exam total = 50 of 70 points = 71.4 % = C- . Overall course grade = B
Code Name sweet_986 Research Paper #3 points = 16.00 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 6 of 10 points; essay B = 6 points;
final exam total = 51 of 70 points = 72.9 % = C- . Overall course grade = B+
Code Name Tech God Research Paper #3 points = 17.00 of 18 points. Final exam
multiple choice = 39 of 50 points; essay A = 7 of 10 points; essay B = 4 points;
final exam total = 50 of 70 points = 71.4 % = C- . Overall course grade = B
Code Name twenty Research Paper #3 points = 9.00 of 18 points. Final exam multiple
choice = 47 of 50 points; essay A = 9 of 10 points; essay B = 10 points; final
exam total = 66 of 70 points = 94.3 % = A . Overall course grade = A-