Psych 220/03, spring 2005. Interim grade report.
I am required to submit interim grades for all students. It is my philosophy that I'd rather give a warning to someone who may not need it, than fail to give a warning to someone who might need the feedback. I'll talk more about this in class.
To generate an interim grade in this class, I reviewed quiz grades, attendance, and the grade each person received on research report #1. I have NOT yet put into the grade anything about homework, or any other course components. The formula I used to compute an interim grade is NOT the formula that will eventually be used, in accordance with the syllabus, to determine your final course grade.
What I did is to compute an attendance and class participation grade based on the number of unexcused absences, compute an average quiz grade based on all quizzes (with the lowest quiz dropped), enter the grade on research report #1, and finally average all three of these grades to get a TENTATIVE ROUGH INTERIM GRADE.
The calculation of these grades is shown in a spreadsheet you can look at. Please review the spreadsheet to check that the quiz grades and unexcused absences I have for you agree with your own records. Let me know if there are any discrepancies.
All grades are shown by code name. There are two students for whom I do not have code names. Those students should get in touch with me so I can tell you the code name I used (or figure out their code names from the details of the data).
Click here to see the grade spreadsheet.
Call me or talk to me after class if you have any questions.