Below are the results for first examination.
1. After reviewing the exam, I decided to accept two different answers as correct
for one of the questions.
2. Before entering the grades, I checked each Scantron form for erasure errors.
For three students there were errors in the Scantron reading of erased answers
that were corrected to raise final scores.
Each student was given an extra 2% free bonus points above
the original percentage correct.
4. Eight students lost one or two points for failure to read the instructions.
These students missed one or both of the free bonus points for following
instructions. (Eight students is 18% of the students who took the exam).
5. The class average is shown at the bottom of the sheet.
I need to talk to two people about special situations (see notes below). Those students should talk to me after the next class. There is a possibility that your grade will change from the grade shown here.
code name anders raw score = 68 of 81 = 84.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
86.0 % = B
code name Animeniac raw score = 64 of 81 = 79.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 81.0 % = B-
code name blue orca raw score = 63 of 81 = 77.8 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 79.8 % = C+
code name Bluestar raw score = 65 of 81 = 80.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus
code name boat raw score = 74 of 81 = 91.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 93.4
% = A
code name BrookRoad raw score = 70 of 81 = 86.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 88.4 % = B+
code name btybtybop raw score = 68 of 81 = 84.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 86.0 % = B
code name bucknaked raw score = 64 of 81 = 79.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 81.0 % = B-
code name Chispa raw score = 68 of 81 = 84.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
86.0 % = B
code name Cliff raw score = 71 of 81 = 87.7 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 89.7
% = B+
code name colorblind raw score = 72 of 81 = 88.9 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 90.9 % = A- NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name Esta raw score = 40 of 81 = 49.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 51.4
% = E
code name Finch raw score = 59 of 81 = 72.8 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 74.8
% = C
code name Frodo raw score = 72 of 81 = 88.9 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 90.9
% = A- NOTE: erasures fixed to improve grade
code name fuzzy penguin raw score = of 81 = % plus 2 percent free bonus = %
code name Gavin Fee raw score = 72 of 81 = 88.9 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 90.9 % = A-
code name green key raw score = 65 of 81 = 80.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 82.2 % = B-
code name green monkey raw score = 58 of 81 = 71.6 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 73.6 % = C
code name Inez raw score = 65 of 81 = 80.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 82.2
% = B- NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name Jasmine raw score = 70 of 81 = 86.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
88.4 % = B+
code name Jazz1188 raw score = 67 of 81 = 82.7 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 84.7 % = B
code name Jeannie raw score = 60 of 81 = 74.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
76.1 % = C
code name JJ raw score = 61 of 81 = 75.3 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 77.3
% = C+
code name Keenan raw score = 57 of 81 = 70.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
72.4 % = C- NOTE: 1 point off for missed instructions
code name Leo raw score = 57 of 81 = 70.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 72.4
% = C- NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name leopard raw score = 52 of 81 = 64.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
66.2 % = D NOTE: erasures fixed to improve grade
code name Lily1121 raw score = 63 of 81 = 77.8 % plus 2 percent free bonus
code name MadisonThamas raw score = 70 of 81 = 86.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 88.4 % = B+
code name Marty raw score = of 81 = % plus 2 percent free bonus = % =
code name Melissa raw score = 76 of 81 = 93.8 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
95.8 % = A NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name NallahTiger raw score = 73 of 81 = 90.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 92.1 % = A-
code name Nancy Drew raw score = 70 of 81 = 86.4 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 88.4 % = B+
code name nocodeyet1 raw score = 43 of 81 = 53.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 55.1 % = E NOTE: 1 point off for missed instructions
code name October raw score = 56 of 81 = 69.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
71.1 % = C- NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name optneo raw score = 64 of 81 = 79.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
81.0 % = B-
code name peanut raw score = 68 of 81 = 84.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
86.0 % = B
code name peanut butter raw score = 73 of 81 = 90.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 92.1 % = A-
code name phoenix cheese raw score = 73 of 81 = 90.1 % plus 2 percent free
bonus = 92.1 % = A-
code name pinkhorse raw score = 71 of 81 = 87.7 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 89.7 % = B+
code name rafferty raw score = 78 of 81 = 96.3 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 98.3 % = A+
code name Roxie raw score = 61 of 81 = 75.3 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 77.3
% = C+
code name smitty raw score = 60 of 81 = 74.1 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
76.1 % = C NOTE: Corrections to fix erasure scanning errors led to 1 additional
point and 2 points off for missed instructions
code name Triz raw score = 68 of 81 = 84.0 % plus 2 percent free bonus = 86.0
% = B
code name white tiger raw score = 69 of 81 = 85.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus
= 87.2 % = B+ NOTE: 2 points off for missed instructions
code name Winnie raw score = 66 of 81 = 81.5 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
83.5 % = B
code name yellow raw score = 69 of 81 = 85.2 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
87.2 % = B+
class average: raw score = 65.2 of 81 = 80.5 % plus 2 percent free bonus =
82.5 % = B-