Print one copy of this sheet and submit it with your advocacy project report as described below.
Check off that each of the items below is completed correctly:
___ each group submits a pocket folder that contains all materials being submitted.
A. outside of folder:
___ on top right of outside front of folder there is a label or sticker that says:
Psyc 257 fall 2005: Advocacy project
Title: ___________________________________________________
Group members:
B. Inside left-hand pocket: one copy of this sheet.
___ The top sheet on the inside left-hand project is one copy of this sheet with all items reviewed and checked off.
C. Inside left-hand pocket: abstract and project report.
___ First sheet is one-page cover sheet that includes title of project, names of group members, and an abstract of project that briefly describes the information in all sections of the attached report.
___ Remaining sheets are the longer report that includes: title of advocacy
project; goal; planned tactics; statement of what you did; description of outcomes
and results.. This longer report has a maximum limit of 3 pages.
D. Inside right-hand pocket: group signature page.
___ The top item in the right-hand pocket should be a group signature page. It should be a single sheet of paper that says: “All members of the group have read and reviewed this report and approve it as the group submission.” That statement should be followed by the names and signatures of each group member
___ On the same group signature page, beneath the item above, should be a statement of report authorship. It should be one or two sentences that says who wrote the report. (This might say, for instance, that different group members contributed in different ways to the report, or that one person was the primary author and another person reviewed and proofread the report, etc.).
NOTE: Each group must decide how they will write their report. The group may arrange some way to have all members of the group participate in writing the report. It also is acceptable for the group to agree that one or two members will be the author(s) of the report. In all cases, however, there must be a statement of authorship, and all member of the group must read the report and accept responsibility for its contents.
E. Inside right-hand pocket: appendix material. This must be supplementary material that is supportive but is NOT required for the reader to understand the abstract and report. The abstract and report must be self-standing: that is, the abstract and report can be fully understood without looking at any of the appendix material.
___ The appendix material is in the right-hand pocket.
___ The appendix material should be labeled with a title and/or description that clearly describes what it is.
___ If the appendix consists of more than a single item, the top sheet of the appendix material should list the appendix items. Use this format:
Appendix A: [...description of Appendix A...]
Appendix B: [...description of Appendix B...]
Appendix C: [...description of Appendix C...]