Statement of Class Expectations, Ground
Rules, and Sexual Harassment
Psyc 257
Walter vom Saal
The following statement will be discussed in class early in the course. All students must read and agree to this statement as a condition of taking this course.
Sexual Harassment. The issue of sexual harassment will be studied near the end of this course. By one definition, verbal behavior of a sexual nature that is intimidating, unwelcome, offensive, or interferes with the recipient’s education constitutes a form of sexual harassment. This is a problem because the subject matter of this course requires that we present views that some individuals may find offensive. The whole area of sexuality is one that makes many individuals in our society uncomfortable. Moreover, since I believe that a critical part of any college course is to challenge preconceptions and encourage independent critical thinking, I occasionally will present views that are controversial or unpopular. We also may have films, videos, readings, discussions, or classroom activities that may make some individuals uncomfortable. Students taking this course must understand that this may occur.
Class expectations, guidelines, and ground rules. The following is a preliminary list of expectations and guidelines, to be reviewed and perhaps modified or expanded during class discussion.
- The instructor and all class members will strive to create an atmosphere where different views, values, and attitudes are respected, and where all individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions.
- In discussing values and attitudes, when someone expresses views very different from yours, you will try to avoid the tendency to convince the other person why your view is the correct one, and rather seek to understand how the other person came to hold a view so different from yours.
- Students will never be asked to share information about themselves , their experiences, or their behaviors. However, to make the class meaningful, there will be exercises, activities, and class discussions during which students will be expected to share their views, attitudes, and opinions.
- If any student does choose to share personal information, this must be treated as confidential by other students. Violating confidentiality by talking outside class about personal information that has been revealed during this class will be grounds for receiving an E in this course. All students must understand, however, that if they do choose to share information, confidentiality never can be completely guaranteed.
- Students should strive to avoid being judgmental: don’t conclude that a person is no good because he or she said something in class that you don’t agree with.
- Students should try to be willing to take some risks and state opinions that may be unpopular.
- Everyone always has the option to “PASS” in a discussion. This option must be respected both by the professor and by fellow students.
After this statement of expectations and ground rules has
been discussed in class, students are expected to sign a statement saying that
they accept these expectations and ground rules as a condition of taking this