- for alternative lifestyles.
- for sexual variation.
- for alternative opinions.
respect for diversity
critical thinking
social responsibility: you will have to make informed decisions as citizens
development of communication skills and conflict management skills:
- listening
- agree to disagree
- attitude: "help me understand you" instead of "let me tell you why I'm right"
awareness of the relevance of data. Hidden assumptions are often empirical questions. Examples:
- is homosexuality "bad" in terms of consequences for individual? (mental health?)
- is homosexuality "bad" for society?
- is homosexuality built in or is it learned? (or both?)
Concept of hidden (psychodynamic?) motivation. Homophobia? (what is definition of homophobia?)
historical shifts in attitudes toward homosexuality*
the DSM
concept of homosexuality as a continuum (Kinsey)
- state anti-homosexuality laws. These have changed, are changing.
- gays in the military. President Clinton's effort and its outcome. "Don't ask, don't tell" Is this ok?
- related issue: NY State policy and SUNY policy: no discrimination against homosexuals.
- The military openly discriminates. Should military recruitment be allowed on campus?
- gay marriage.
- domestic partner rulings in NY (life insurance, health insurance, wills, estates, mortgages)
- in one western state: some local communities passed local laws preventing discrimination against homosexuals; state referendum & state law disallows such local laws; appeal finds state law unconstitutional; supreme court agrees the state law is unconstitutional. Illustrates: complexity; levels of laws.
- Boy Scouts say no gay leaders.
- domestic partner benefits.
1. You have a child in third grade. The teacher is a gay person who openly lives with their partner. Should the person be allowed to teach?
2. You visit your 1st grade nephew's classroom. Two books are on the shelf: My two Mommies, and Daddy's Roommate. How do you feel?
3. What do you think of the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy? What is that policy? What is the history of its development?
4. Your brother is gay. Should he tell you? Your parents? The world? If he does tell the world, how do you feel?
5. Should there be laws that say discrimination against homosexuality is illegal?
6. You are on the town council. A law is proposed saying that there may be no discrimination in any way against homosexuals. What are the implications of this law? How will you vote? (Example: your uncle owns three apartments. He is opposed to homosexuality on religious grounds. Is it fair to make him rent the apartment to an openly gay couple?) (Is the whole setup of this question biased?)
7. What discrimination have you observed against gays and lesbians?
8. Do you discriminate against gays and lesbians? (Even if you might try not to?)
*sin - deviance (deviant behavior) - perversion - sexual variation