Issue Analysis Sheets - Instructions and Guidelines.
Instructions: Fill out one of these sheets for each issue being discussed. This
means you will prepare three sheets for each Thursday discussion class (three issues each class). Bring the three
sheets to each class as your “admission ticket” to the class. If you need extra room, use the back of this
sheet. (Handwritten is ok.)
Issue number and title from text: __________________________________________
Statement of
the central question or issue in 1 or 2 sentences:
The main
argument or arguments on one side of this issue:
The main
argument or arguments on the other side of this issue:
Statement of
one data question that is relevant to this issue:
Statement of
what we know about the data regarding that data question, or what you think we
should find out:
Statement of
your own view on this issue (OPTIONAL):
One other
interesting question or issue this reading raises for you:
One personal
insight or “AHA” (something you never realized before or something you
previously knew that now strikes you more strongly: “I realized …”; “I became
aware …”; etc.):