Psych 257, Psychology of Human Sexuality, fall 2004
Exam Number 1 Results.
1. After reviewing the exam I decided that for one question I would accept
two answers as correct.
2. For each person, the examination raw score correct out of 69 questions and
the percent correct are shown below.
3. To account for possible poor questions, 5% was added to each person's score
as an adjustment.
4. This produced the adjusted examination grade shown on the far right. The
grade shown on the far right is your grade for this examination that will be
used in computing your final course grade.
5. NOTE 1 indicates that the student lost points for missing the two "free"
questions in the instructions.
6. Students who wish to review their answers and the questions are encouraged
to make an appointment to do so in my office.
Interim Grades are based solely on this examination. Final grades will take into account additional input from Taking Sides presentations, homework, attendance, and all the other course components described in the syllabus.
12283 raw score 46 of 69 = 66.7 % = D + 5% adjustment = 71.7 % = C-. Note 1
31282 raw score 38 of 69 = 55.1 % = E + 5% adjustment = 60.1 % = D-
beach raw score 45 of 69 = 65.2 % = D + 5% adjustment = 70.2 % = C-
beets raw score 58 of 69 = 84.1 % = B + 5% adjustment = 89.1 % = B+. Note 1
blue apple raw score 53 of 69 = 76.8 % = C + 5% adjustment = 81.8 % = B-. Note
blue hair raw score 62 of 69 = 89.9 % = B+ + 5% adjustment = 94.9 % = A
blue penguin raw score 56 of 69 = 81.2 % = B- + 5% adjustment = 86.2 % = B.
Note 1
blue pigeon raw score 45 of 69 = 65.2 % = D + 5% adjustment = 70.2 % = C-. Note
blue tiger raw score 55 of 69 = 79.7 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 84.7 % = B
bluefrog11 raw score 60 of 69 = 87.0 % = B + 5% adjustment = 92.0 % = A-
C1kiss raw score 48 of 69 = 69.6 % = D+ + 5% adjustment = 74.6 % = C
Clare310 raw score 52 of 69 = 75.4 % = C + 5% adjustment = 80.4 % = B-
country girl raw score 63 of 69 = 91.3 % = A- + 5% adjustment = 96.3 % = A
critmanager raw score 44 of 69 = 63.8 % = D + 5% adjustment = 68.8 % = D+. Note
Dakotah raw score 59 of 69 = 85.5 % = B + 5% adjustment = 90.5 % = A-
Digg raw score 66 of 69 = 95.7 % = A + 5% adjustment = 100.7 % = A+
Frank raw score 39 of 69 = 56.5 % = E + 5% adjustment = 61.5 % = D-
goby raw score 51 of 69 = 73.9 % = C + 5% adjustment = 78.9 % = C+
green blaze raw score 56 of 69 = 81.2 % = B- + 5% adjustment = 86.2 % = B
green strawberry raw score 54 of 69 = 78.3 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 83.3 % =
B. Note 1
guinness raw score 55 of 69 = 79.7 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 84.7 % = B
lavender donkey raw score 56 of 69 = 81.2 % = B- + 5% adjustment = 86.2 % =
lizard phan raw score 61 of 69 = 88.4 % = B+ + 5% adjustment = 93.4 % = A
Luis Figo raw score 51 of 69 = 73.9 % = C + 5% adjustment = 78.9 % = C+. Note
luscious red raw score 40 of 69 = 58.0 % = E + 5% adjustment = 63.0 % = D-
Lynn raw score 50 of 69 = 72.5 % = C- + 5% adjustment = 77.5 % = C+
McNugget raw score 36 of 69 = 52.2 % = E + 5% adjustment = 57.2 % = E
melishhus raw score 59 of 69 = 85.5 % = B + 5% adjustment = 90.5 % = A-
Messer raw score 58 of 69 = 84.1 % = B + 5% adjustment = 89.1 % = B+
Moco raw score 58 of 69 = 84.1 % = B + 5% adjustment = 89.1 % = B+
onion raw score 46 of 69 = 66.7 % = D + 5% adjustment = 71.7 % = C-. Note 1
orange cat raw score 54 of 69 = 78.3 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 83.3 % = B
paperboy raw score 54 of 69 = 78.3 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 83.3 % = B
pink bear raw score 50 of 69 = 72.5 % = C- + 5% adjustment = 77.5 % = C+
pink dog raw score 55 of 69 = 79.7 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 84.7 % = B
pink monkey raw score 54 of 69 = 78.3 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 83.3 % = B
pink pushup raw score 58 of 69 = 84.1 % = B + 5% adjustment = 89.1 % = B+
pink turtle raw score 68 of 69 = 98.6 % = A+ + 5% adjustment = 103.6 % = A+
Pocahontas raw score 54 of 69 = 78.3 % = C+ + 5% adjustment = 83.3 % = B
purple palomino raw score 49 of 69 = 71.0 % = C- + 5% adjustment = 76.0 % =
RTG123 raw score 47 of 69 = 68.1 % = D+ + 5% adjustment = 73.1 % = C
Sonica raw score 40 of 69 = 58.0 % = E + 5% adjustment = 63.0 % = D-. Note 1
stardust raw score 53 of 69 = 76.8 % = C + 5% adjustment = 81.8 % = B-
sweetness raw score 59 of 69 = 85.5 % = B + 5% adjustment = 90.5 % = A-
zella raw score 44 of 69 = 63.8 % = D + 5% adjustment = 68.8 % = D+