Psyc 257, fall 2004.
Results for final examination and final course grades.
The information below shows information on final exam results and course grades sorted by student code name. The final exam was 73 questions (including 2 "free" questions for following instructions, which were missed by three students). I scored the exam by computing a percentage correct out of 71 (not 73) questions, which raised grades, and then also gave each student two bonus percentage points.
Final course points included: final course points included:
exam #1 (22 points)
exam #2 (22 points)
exam #3 (22 points)
Taking Sides analysis sheets (5 points)
Taking Sides presentations (5 points)
advocacy project grades (10 points)
attendance at campus events (2 points)
homework (6 points)
attendance and class contributions (6 points)
bonuses for study cards
and bonuses for study partner projects
Students who have questions about their individual grades may see me Friday or early next semester.
Have a great a break!
code name: 12283 : final exam score 52 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 75.2 % = C on final exam. Total course points = 81.7 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: 31282 : final exam score 41 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 59.7 % = E on final exam. Total course points = 77.7 for overall course grade
of C+
code name: beach : final exam score 52 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 75.2 % = C on final exam. Total course points = 78.1 for overall course grade
of C+
code name: beets : final exam score 65 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 93.5 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 94.0 for overall course grade
of A
code name: blue apple : final exam score 62 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 89.3 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 87.0 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: blue hair : final exam score 60 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 86.5 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 92.5 for overall course grade
of A-
code name: blue penguin : final exam score 62 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 89.3 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 90.8 for overall course
grade of A-
code name: blue pigeon : final exam score 53 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 76.6 % = C on final exam. Total course points = 80.3 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: blue tiger : final exam score 66 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 95.0 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 85.4 for overall course grade
of B
code name: bluefrog11 : final exam score 63 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 90.7 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 91.0 for overall course grade
of A-
code name: C1kiss : final exam score 56 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 80.9 % = B- on final exam. Total course points = 83.8 for overall course grade
of B
code name: Clare310 : final exam score 61 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 87.9 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 87.6 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: country girl : final exam score 65 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 93.5 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 97.1 for overall course
grade of A
code name: critmanager : final exam score 50 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 72.4 % = C- on final exam. Total course points = 71.7 for overall course grade
of C-
code name: Dakotah : final exam score 58 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 83.7 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 85.4 for overall course grade
of B
code name: Digg : final exam score 65 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points =
93.5 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 96.5 for overall course grade
of A
code name: Frank : final exam score 54 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 78.1 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 75.7 for overall course grade
of C
code name: goby : final exam score 54 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points =
78.1 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 86.1 for overall course grade
of B
code name: green blaze : final exam score 63 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 90.7 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 94.3 for overall course grade
of A
code name: green strawberry : final exam score 66 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 95.0 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 88.4 for overall course
grade of B+
code name: guinness : final exam score 57 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 82.3 % = B- on final exam. Total course points = 79.6 for overall course grade
of C+
code name: lavender donkey : final exam score 58 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 83.7 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 80.4 for overall course
grade of B-
code name: lizard phan : final exam score 54 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 78.1 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 88.8 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: Luis Figo : final exam score 62 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 89.3 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 84.3 for overall course grade
of B
code name: luscious red : final exam score 50 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 72.4 % = C- on final exam. Total course points = 81.4 for overall course
grade of B-
code name: Lynn : final exam score 55 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points =
79.5 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 82.9 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: McNugget : final exam score 59 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 85.1 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 76.0 for overall course grade
of C
code name: melishhus : final exam score 59 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 85.1 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 89.9 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: Messer : final exam score 56 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 80.9 % = B- on final exam. Total course points = 89.5 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: Moco : final exam score 55 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points =
79.5 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 82.3 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: onion : final exam score 54 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 78.1 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 82.9 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: orange cat : final exam score 59 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 85.1 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 86.6 for overall course grade
of B
code name: paperboy : final exam score 64 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 92.1 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 89.5 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: pink bear : final exam score 63 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 90.7 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 88.4 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: pink dog : final exam score 67 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 96.4 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 94.1 for overall course grade
of A
code name: pink monkey : final exam score 59 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 85.1 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 89.4 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: pink pushup : final exam score 66 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 95.0 % = A on final exam. Total course points = 88.8 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: pink turtle : final exam score 64 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 92.1 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 96.2 for overall course grade
of A
code name: Pocahontas : final exam score 59 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 85.1 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 87.1 for overall course grade
of B+
code name: purple palomino : final exam score 62 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 89.3 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 86.1 for overall course
grade of B
code name: purple turtle : final exam score 56 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage
points = 80.9 % = B- on final exam. Total course points = 88.4 for overall course
grade of B+
code name: RTG123 : final exam score 60 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 86.5 % = B on final exam. Total course points = 81.4 for overall course grade
of B-
code name: Sonica : final exam score 55 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 79.5 % = C+ on final exam. Total course points = 71.3 for overall course grade
of C-
code name: stardust : final exam score 61 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 87.9 % = B+ on final exam. Total course points = 92.7 for overall course grade
of A-
code name: sweetness : final exam score 64 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 92.1 % = A- on final exam. Total course points = 93.6 for overall course grade
of A
code name: zella : final exam score 52 of 71 plus 2 bonus percentage points
= 75.2 % = C on final exam. Total course points = 76.4 for overall course grade
of C